Doctors say that imperfect ovulation is the cause of infertility. In effect, because their ability to produce eggs is somehow adversely affected, there are no eggs or a very small number, which makes it far less likely or even impossible for pregnancy to occur.
There are many reasons why a woman might be infertile. The main causes of infertility in women are as follows:
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects as many as 5 million women in the USA, and is one of the major causes of infertility. This condition is hormonal, one that is characterized by the ovaries producing too much male hormone, especially testosterone. Instead of eggs the woman creates liquid filled cysts instead.
Recent studies have indicated that the pancreas churns out excessively large amounts of insulin that appears to cause the damage in the ovaries. Women with this condition find that the hair on their head thins just as rapidly as the hair on their faces grows, whilst acne, unexplainable weight gain, constant high blood sugar levels and depression.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is according to some sources and experts the largest cause of female infertility on a global basis, with the condition generally being caused by the same bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases.
It is relatively common for the fallopian tube, ovaries, uterus and cervix to be infected as well as or instead of the pelvic area.
And in a worst-case scenario, not only can Pelvic Inflammatory Disease lead to infertility; it can also lead to blood poisoning and ectopic pregnancies, which between them can be fatal.
Immune System Problems and Fibroids are two more medical maladies that might contribute to female infertility. In the first case, it is not unknown for a woman’s immune system to mistake the male sperm for ‘unwanted invaders' and to attack them, thus preventing fertilization taking place.
In the second situation, fibroids are benign growths that can sometimes develop near the cervix or fallopian tubes, preventing the sperm getting through to fertilize the egg.
Endometriosis is another relatively common condition where blockages are formed that prevents the fertilized egg or sperm doing what they’re supposed to do. In this case, sections of the uterine lining embed themselves in the fallopian tube, ovaries, vagina or pelvic area. When this happens, the implanted tissue often turns into a cyst which can then become blockages and scar tissue.
These are only a few of the many reasons why a woman might not be able to give birth that are either hormonal in nature or related to some disease. All of these conditions are perfectly capable of rendering any woman infertile, so steps must take to avoid them or deal with them if they arise.