Children get boils on their body more often than they ever have in history. Would you believe it is because they spend so much time at computers. These are known as pilonidal cysts. Initially they were thought to be caused by ingrown hairs but doctors now have discovered it comes from sitting down in one position for too long every other.
This type of boil is called pilondal cysts and is caused by having to sit for long hours in uncomfortable positions. The condition was first discovered during World War II.
Another reason kids get boils is because they become infected with a staphylococcus bacteria. This bacteria can enter through any break in the skin. It can also invade through hair follicles. This is a highly virulent bacterium that cause a lot more serious medical conditions so you need to be very careful and keep an eye on those boils your kids develop. Another alarming thing is that it can mean that your kid is becoming less resistant to infections due to the overuse of antibiotics.
For example, if your immune system is somehow compromised, the chance of becoming someone who suffers from boils on a regular basis is significantly increased. Consequently, conditions such as kidney failure or diabetes which weaken your immune system are likely to make you more susceptible to an outbreak of boils.
In addition, lesser-known medical conditions such as hypogammaglobulinemia that reduce your body's ability to fight against infection as they weaken your immune system can also make you more prone to skin abscesses and other staphylococcus related problems.
Then there are certain types of medicines that also weaken your natural ability to fight back against infection successfully. These include drugs that are used in chemotherapy to treat cancer and cortisone-based drugs like prednisolone.
I have been known to get a boil or two myself. Surprise! These breakouts in adults are actually stress related! Who knew?
T here is some evidence to suggest that there is a connection between stress and hormonal changes (such as the onset or the menopause or the monthly cycle) that may cause the condition to flare up in women who had previously suffered only slightly or not at all.
So you see that boil could mean much more than just a simple 'pimple.' Be vigilante to make sure that it never develops into an infection.