One of the problems that we all have with home safety is that the everyday familiarity of our surroundings tends to blind us to potential danger spots. At the same time however, because danger could potentially lurk in every nook and cranny of the average home, trying to expunge the risk of getting burned completely is almost impossible.
On the other hand, there are many preventative measures that you can take around the house which will at least minimize the more obvious points of risk.
The first thing to realize is that in most homes, the greatest risk level as far as being burned is concerned lurks in the kitchen.
As a part of the normal routine of every average household, there will be pans boiling away on the stove, food in a hot oven, a kettle coming to the boil in the background and 101 other regular kitchen activities taking place that represent a potential burns danger spot.
At the same time, kitchens at mealtimes – which is inevitably the most dangerous time – are extremely busy places, with the cook or chef far more focused on getting the food ready than they are on safety.
If there are young children in the house, it is therefore imperative to keep them well away from the kitchen whenever it is at its busiest. In these circumstances, it is unlikely that youngsters serve any really useful purpose in any event, so it is just not necessary for them to be in an area where the danger of being burned or scalded literally surrounds them.
At the same time, you (or at least some other responsible adult) should always remain in the kitchen area when it is mealtime to ensure that everything is supervised and that the youngsters do not expose themselves to unnecessary danger.
As suggested earlier, chemical substances that are highly acid or alkaline represent a significant burns risk as well. If therefore you keep substances of this nature in the house (and in truth, you should question whether it is really necessary if you do so), they should be kept under lock and key.
Furthermore, even if these substances are only handled by responsible adults, it is still essential that they should take precautions such as wearing protective gloves and the like to minimize the risk of getting these ‘burns-waiting-to-happen' on your skin.
The next thing that should be on your own safety checklist is to ensure that your home wiring is up to scratch on a regular basis. It is obvious that there should be no exposed wires with which people can burn themselves but more than this, you need to have the wiring checked (preferably once a year) as in most homes, it is the wiring system that represents the biggest fire risk.