If your teen has not gotten a summer job by now it is definitely time. Don't let him or her slack off all summer. You are only teaching him or her that it is aright to be a bit lazy. Also you if you have a kid about to go into college you are wasting valuable time that could be spent earning income.
There are a couple of things that you can do to help your teen find summer work. This is good to keep your teen busy over the summer. They earn cash and learn responsibility. The money they make can go towards saving for college or even to you depending on what your circumstances dictate. Unfortunately poverty is such a problem in the United States that many teens work just to support families instead of saving for college.
Still they are not far away from that time in life when they will have to become full-fledged workers in society. This means developing a work ethic and sense of discipline. The more varied the businesses are that your teen works in the better of he or she will be. Being employed also keeps your teen off of the street and teaches them to be self-sufficient.
You can help your teen find a summer job. Half the time it is just asking the local business or friends who own local businesses if thinned help. You can also put your heads together with your kid's teacher or guidance counselor to figure out what might be a good place for him or her to look for a job. Often the schools know if any local factories or corporations are hiring and what companies are offering special student programs.
I always try to get my teen some kind of outdoor job so that he or she is not cooped up in an office mall or basement of some kind all summer. I try to help him or her find a job I would like and that still offers them chance to get some fresh air. Witnessing on a patio or landscaping is good jobs for that.
Once your teen gets a job they have an opportunity to learn how to take orders, how to rune business and how to deice what field of business they might want to go into after high school. It also gives them a chance to see how easy or hard certain businesses may be.
As a parent I know I want the very best for my teen. That is why I step in to help her find a job. I don't care if others see me as meddling. I only want her to get as much experience as possible and to be as autonomous in life as possible.