Smokeless Cigarettes Tempt My Kids

The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is a favorite organization of mine and they have recently made an interesting announcement that should concern moms everywhere.  It seems that the tobacco company R.J. Reynolds is test marketing a new smokeless tobacco product.  The reason this is a threat to my kids is because the lack of smoke makes it easier for them to smoke behind my back undetected.

The new cigarettes come in what the company calls fresh and mellow flavors and are packaged like gum and candy. They also look like a pack of camels which is on one of the most popular of tobacco products among teenagers.  The introduction of these new smokeless products emphasizes that need for Congress to pass pending legislation that grants the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulatory authority over all tobacco products.

 The last thing that kids need is yet another product that encourages them to become addicted to nicotine addiction. The product is flavored and packaged like candy so that they are easier to conceal in a jacket and hide from us. The cigarette box looks like candy packaging.

These smokeless cigarettes are also likely to discourage smokers from quitting by enabling them to smoke in 'smoke-free' environments. Smokers concerned about their health should not be fooled by these new tobacco products and should still try to quit, by taking FDA-approved medications and attending counseling.

RJR’s new products add to a growing list of novel products tobacco companies have introduced recently in their relentless efforts to recruit new youth users, create and sustain addiction to nicotine, and discourage current users from quitting. The tobacco industry will continue to get away with these harmful practices until Congress ends the industry’s regulatory exemption and passes legislation granting the FDA authority over tobacco products. Under this legislation, a government agency will finally have authority over what tobacco companies put in their products, how they market them, the health claims they make and what they disclose about their products’ contents and impact on health.

On July 30, the U.S. House of Representatives approved this legislation by a vote of 326 to 102. There is also overwhelming support in the Senate, where the bill has 60 sponsors and several other senators who have indicated support. It is critical that Congress enact this bill into law at the earliest opportunity. Until Congress acts, kids and consumers will continue to be human guinea pigs in the tobacco industry’s deadly experiments.

R.J. Reynolds’ new products are being test-marketed in Columbus, Ohio, Portland, Oregon, and Indianapolis.

No Cold Medicines for Young Children!

This is breaking news so I hope all moms will read this blog. Whatever you do don’t give over-the-counter cold remedies to kids under four years of age. It is dangerous for them. All you should really do is just try and keep the child warm, calm and comfortable.
Two big drug companies that make over the counter cold and flu remedies like Pediacare and Dimetapp announced that the ingredients in these cold medicines can affect kids in an adverse way. They have also been especially warned about not giving kids antihistamines to help them sleep. In fact in newer drug packaging there is new instructions telling you that these types of medications are definitely not for children under the age of four.
In 2007 a similar revamp of dosing recommendations took place when the cold and flu medicine manufacturers produced instructions that said that this medication should not be given to children under the age of two. However here is something that you should also know. Pediatricians actually petitioned the FDA to ban medications like these for kids under age six. So if you have a child under six years old then you might want to consider this because it is common knowledge that the FDA tends to serve the interests of the drug companies. It is interesting that once again they did not follow the recommendations of pediatricians. However you can make the choice of following those recommendations and not putting your child at risk.
The reason pediatricians asked for this is because there is no evidence that these products work for kids under six years of age but there is definitely evidence that these medicines cause side effetsin large kids. The side effects include hives, drowsiness and unsteady walking. Over seven thousand kids a year end up in U.S. hospitals after overdosing accidentally or on purpose on these medicines. Most of these kids were curious toddlers who drank the medicines.
Part of the logic of kind of banning it for children under six was all about reducing the risk of overdose as well. If the stuff is not around the home the kids are less likely to grab it and ingest it.
Many doctors say you should not give these remedies to older children either. They could be doing more harm than good. However the drug manufacturers said they are also introducing new child proof caps and spouts so that it is more difficult for these children to have an overdose.
Leading cough and cold brands include Dimetapp, Pediacare, Robitussin, Triaminic, Little Colds and versions of Tylenol that have ingredients to treat cold symptoms. To be on the safe side I am going to avoid giving my kids these medications for now.