Pain Relief After Labor

After a woman has a baby her body can be very sore. Post-partum pain is usually caused by sore muscles. The body can go into shock from all of the muscle strain. Everything can hurt, including your arms and legs. Often the hips can really hurt as well. This is s the result of having your feet and legs positioned in stirrups or in an odd position. Your back might also be sore as sometimes there can be a lot of maneuvering of the spine in order to allow the child to emerge from the womb.

People who have had an epidural also might have a sore back from the needle or because they did not feel the back strain happening because the pain killer was masking the feeling.

The thing is that most moms do not want to take drugs after labor because it can get into breast milk and cause you to sleep through paying attention to your baby's cries. That is why many people use other measures including taking warm baths and showers, using rice socks and flax bags for heat, icing the area and massaging the area. Your doctor can also tell you what medications, whether they be over the counter or otherwise are safe for you to take.

Many women experience a lot of post-labor pain in their lower regions. The pain can radiate from the vagina to the rectum. This is because this area expands to allow you to let the baby out of your body. You can also be in pain if forceps or an extruder of some kind was used to help you give birth.

In this case a sitz bath can help soothe damaged tissues. You can get over-the-counter and sitz bathas that are good for this purpose. There are also portable pads known as TUCKS pads that can help soothe the heat or pain emanating from your tissues.

Some women get headaches after giving birth. This is due to hormonal changes and stress. Relaxation can really help take care of this type of headache. Women who have epidural or spinal injections when they give birth are quite prone to this type of headache and may need to rest for a few days after labor.

Breast pain is also common after labor but there is not that can be done about it. You can try applying warm packs to your breasts if they are giving you pain after giving birth.

Naming Your Baby After Astronomy – The Stars!

If you want a really great and original name for your baby, try naming him or her after the stars above or the months of the calendar. The best names for a girl from the calendar months are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November and December. March and August best suit a boy.

A popular girl's name from the forties was Early – a nice name if you want to go retro. Dawn is also a great girl's name and so is Aurora which means Dawn. Also very forties is Stella which means Stars. If you like the sky then both boys and girls suit the names Sky or Skye.

A very popular girl's name in 2010 was Luna which basically means 'the moon.'Twilight, Sundown and Sunset have also been both girl and boy names in the past. Related to these are Soleil, Sunny, Sunshine, Sol and Solveig which are usually girl names. Eloise and Marisol also mean 'the sun.' Samson and Cyrus are both names that mean 'The Sun' for boys.

In the seventies it was cool to call your kid Morning and Midnight. Kids were also named after the planets. Girls suit Sun, Moon, Earth and Venus and boys suit Sun, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Pluto.

Some constellations make nice names as well. A boy named after the constellation Orion is destined to be a prince. Other wonderful names for boys that are actually constellations are Apus, Aquila, Aries, Cetus, Corvus, Dorado, Draco, Leo, Lepus, Lynx, Mensa, Pavo, Persus Pictor, Puppis, and Phoenixand Volans.

Great names for girls that are also constellations are Andromeda, Aquarius, Ara, Auriga, Carina, Columba, Delphinus and Norma.\

You might also consider naming your kid after a star. Boys might suit the names Acamar, Acrus, Adhil, Aladfar, Albaldah, Albali, Aldebaran, Alfirk, Agorab, Alioth, Alnair, Alnath, Alniyat, Alphard, Alrai, Altair, Alzirr, Arrakis, Asellus, Atik, Atlas, Betelgeuse, Caph, Dabih, Izar, Kraz, Matar, Nash, Phaet, Rigel, Sabik, Salm, Segin, Sirius, Vega, Wasat, Yed and Zuben.

Bright stars that you could name a girl after include Ain, Alchiba, Aldamarin, Alhena, Alrisha, Aludra, Alya, Ancha, Ascella, Auva, Beid, Bellatrix, Electra, Haedi, Heze, Maia, Meissa, Mira, Nashira, Ruchbah, Sarin, Shaula, Spica, Subra, Tabit, Talitha, Tania, Terebellum, Zaniah and Zosma.

For the ultimate celestial name why not try Celeste or even Celestial which does mean the heavens. Both boys and girls have been known to be called Heaven in the past as well.