As Good As Taking A Chill Pill

If life has you feeling irritable and edgy there is no need anymore to ask the doctor for a valium. Mother Nature has a pharmacy full of natural cures for nervous tension, worry and other problems.

When people are worried they tend to turn to foods that are high in carbs and sugars. That is when it becomes time to consume some yams. These work as powerful stress-busters. They are high in fiber and full of vitamins that support the nervous system such as Vitamin A and E.

Peanut butter can help you if you feel irritable and exhausted from a lack of good sleep. Peanuts are high in Vitamin B6 which helps regulate blood sugar and stabilize mood. It is best eaten on whole wheat toast so that it breaks down slowly in your body. The reason you want to have it on whole wheat toast is because this type of bread contains complex carbohydrates. This is known as the 'feel-good hormone.' If you want to enhance your mood even more try eating a peanut butter, banana, honey and whole wheat bread sandwich.

If you feel as if you cannot get your body to settle down and relax then drink some chamomile tea. It has been shown especially effective when it comes to suppressing muscle spasms.

Dark chocolate is another stress reliever. Just 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate can lower the stress hormones of cortical and ctecholamines in the body. This helps relieve anxiety.

St. John's Wort is a herb that is sometimes called 'The Break Up Remedy. It is useful for treating mild to severe depression. It can be taken in pill form as a supplement or you can take it as a tea.

If you are having trouble falling asleep then try having a few slices of turkey. Turkey contains tryphotan which helps people doze off. However although it may help people fall asleep it does not necessarily help them stay asleep.

Another herbal tea that can help with anxiety, especially the kind that has you worrying about finances or health, is Passionflower. It is very common and is a well –recognized over the counter sedative.

Valerian root is another common herb used to calm people down and put them right to sleep… You can but it as jukes, tablets, teas, tinctures. It is known as Nature's Valium.

Of course before taking any herb or any food in excess you really do need to consult with your doctor to make sure it will not conflict with any existing health conditions or mediations you are taking.

TV Inspired Ideas for Tween and Teen Parties

Today's tweenies and teens are a little harder to entertain these days. They do not get that impressed that easily and will turn up their noses that does not have a bit of pop-culture to it.

One format for a party that is quite easy to follow is the show Minute to Win It. This show consists of challenging games that you can create from every day household items that are in your pantry or garage. You can actually get over 100 games for free on the Minute to Win It website. You can print out the instructions for each challenge, give the kids the materials and then put them through playing the game just like they do on this popular show.

Yet another approach is to mimic the shows about cooking challenges that are on the air like Cupcake Wars, Chopped and Top Chef. This is complex to prepare becaue you need a lot of utensils and food on hand but the completion will be worth it. You consider the skill level suitable for the age of your guests and then try to create the appropriate food challenges.

For instance, when it comes to Cupcake Wars, you can have your kids compete for the best-decorated cupcake. All that takes is a table full of decorations and icing and sets of pre-made cupcakes. You can also do a similar party that has to do with decorating sundaes. All you need is whipped cream, nuts, cherries, bananas and the rest of the fixings. The best thing about these ideas for food challenges is that you do not have to turn on the stove; no child risks burning her!

With older children the oven or stove can come into play. A really great idea is to challenge kids to design the very best signature pizza pie. Simply lay out the ingredients and have the kids figure out the best flavor combinations.

You can also mimic a reality show like Survivor. You set up simple challenges and then have the kids divided into teams. You do not have to have them eat insects but you can have them eat a weirder food like an oyster. Other challenges could include jumping through hoops, breaking a piñata and agility course work.

Of course always mention that there is going to be a challenge and food on your party invitations. As a safety measure I also always ask if any child visiting is going to have issues with nut allergies, strawberry allergies or any other kind of allergy just to be on the safe side.