Avoiding Burns By Ultraviolet Light

It is one thing to get a suntan but ultraviolet light can also give us and our kids a severe burn. The most common source of ultraviolet light to which you are likely to be exposed is the sun. Under normal circumstances, the risk posed by the rays of the sun is likely to be limited as (for example) you are only out in it for less than an hour or two every day, and you are fully clothed as well.
It is nevertheless a fact that for most people, a vacation almost always involves getting out in the sunshine, which significantly increases the risk of suffering sunburn. The fact is, the majority of pale skinned Westerners are simply not designed to stay out in the sun for extended periods of time, so if this description fits, it is an extremely important factor that you must pay heed to.
The safest and easiest way of avoiding sunburn is of course to avoid the sun altogether. However, assuming that there are certain times when this is not something that you really want to do, it is absolutely essential that you take appropriate precautions to avoid getting burned.
For example, the sun is at its hottest between the hours of 10am and 4am, meaning that it makes sense to avoid going out in the sunshine during these hours. There is far less likelihood of the misery of sunburn if you go out earlier or later rather than risking the full heat of the day.
Instead, sit in the shade with an ice cold drink in front of you and watch the world go by as the chances are that you will find this every bit as relaxing as sunbathing.
And even if you do get outside before or after the sun is at its hottest, you should use protective creams or lotions at a minimum (protective clothing is even better) and you must always wear a protective hat as well.
At the same time, you should also be aware that the majority of commercially produced sun protection products contain potentially harmful chemicals such as titanium dioxide (which the International Agency for Cancer Research suggest is a possible human carcinogen), and that this even applies to specialized sun protection products that are sold as ‘baby' suntan lotions!
If therefore you want to get out in the sun but minimize the risk of getting burned whilst doing so, I would recommend that you use only a natural sun protection product which you know does not contain potentially harmful chemicals.

The Indigo Child Test

The more I investigate this Indigo Child theory the more I am convinced that I have at least two Indigo children.
Are you the parent of an Indigo Child? Take this quiz, which is based on the indigo children's book written by Wendy Chapman (the founder of Metagifted) to define indigo child traits.
Answer Yes or No to the following questions.
1. Do you know that your child is smart but he or she seems to be failing or not achieving his or her potential?
2. Is your child imaginative and creative and good with his or her hands?
3. Is your child and always asking questions before agreeing to do anything?
4. Is your child intolerant of repetitive tasks to the point where he or she will throw a tantrum?
5. Is your child a rebel who always questions authority to the point they are always getting in trouble?
6. Does your child seem depressed, solemn or old beyond his or her years?
7. Is your kid more comfortable when he or she is the boss and is in charge of what happens from minute to minute?
8. Does he or she work better alone than with a team of people?
9. Does your child experience fits of rage but the rest of time seems cold or impassive.
10. Does your child say things that sometimes seem psychic or prophetic?
11. Is your child especially terrified of legal, educational or medical environments?
12. Are your child easily distracted and a bad reader?
13. Is your child impulsive and prone to doing things that might cost you a lot of money without warning?
14. Does your child claim to see spirits or chat a lot to an imaginary friend?
15. Does your child seem to be on a mission or seem to want to change things in the world?
16. Does your child talk about people watching us or seem paranoid at times.
17. Does your child complain of feeling lonely and then isolate him or herself from other peole.
18. Does your child have a lot of nightmares?
19. Does your child seem very much in the middle when it comes to his or her sexuality without seeming to be very male or female?
20. Does your child show absolutely no curiosity or interest in sex?

If you can answer yes to at least ten of these correctly questions then chances are you are the proud parent of one of the many blue children that being born in greater numbers every year. This means your child is talented, smart and even psychic but it can also mean that your child could have a rocky start in life.