Your Kids Are What They Eat

The cliché phrase is — 'You are what you eat!'  This is absolutely true, however to refine the phrase a little more it should perhaps be revised to 'You are what you digest.'   

This is true for both you and your kids. Vitamins don't quite cut it when it comes to your kids overall health (and yours too.)

The reason you can't replace food with pills is because very few people (especially older people) have much success digesting vitamin pills. They simply pass through the intestines undissolved.  It is a very common problem. The point is that having a good diet is not the same as dieting or popping vitamin or herbal supplements. The food choices we make throughout our lives can help prevent the many diseases that cause premature death or disability, including heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes.  S

ome natural doctors even go so far to insist that diet is the cure for certain kinds of ailments and can go so far as to reverse certain types of ailments and conditions.  To prevent your kids from having dispositions to getting these ailments you need to start them off early. However, the relationship between a good diet and anti-aging is not just speculative in the scientific community.

Nutritionists and doctors are much less skeptical about food as a cure for aging then they used to be.  This is because three long-term studies being conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health have examined the lives of 300,000 people and the findings suggested that a a diet rich in vegetables may help prevent breast and prostate cancer. Another finding was that colon cancer is more common in those who eat red meat and that high fat diets increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer. Furthermore a diet with too many refined carbohydrates increases the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes Another thing about this study is that an effective healthy diet was not specific to any age.

In other words, what is considered a healthy diet at six years old will still be a healthy diet at age sixty or seventy.  The fact that this type of diet is anti-aging is a given so it is never too late to start rehabilitating the diet through changing your eating habits. This is because it is all about eating in a manner that will prevent the oxidization of cells by free radicals in the first place. 

Yet another important finding of this Harvard Study is that those that those who sat down at a meal and enjoyed it by sharing it with others were more likely to be healthier than those who ate their dinners alone, in front of the television or in a less formal fashion (such as eating on the run.)  This principle focuses the eater to pay attention to what is going into his or her mouth as the center of attention is the meal and not the television set!