Is IBS Plaguing You or a Family Member?

Everyone has an upset stomach from time to time.

You probably know the sort of thing I mean – sometimes you've got gas and at other times you feel queasy or nauseous. There may be times when you can't seem to go to the toilet for days, constipated as can be, but there are other days when diarrhea strikes and you can't stop going!

Although we all know that there are some foods or drinks that might prompt our digestive system to react in a certain way – a big meal of very spicy food sends many people scurrying to the bathroom for example – the only really predictable thing about our digestive system is its unpredictability.

However, because for most of us our digestive system acts the way we expect it to most of the time, we don't really give a great deal of thought to what our colon and gastrointestinal system is doing unless it is ‘misbehaving'.

This is not the case for everyone however. A surprisingly high number – some reports suggest that it could be as many as one in five US citizens – suffers from a chronic condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and for these people, what their digestive system is doing can often dictate what they do too.

As with the majority of non-life threatening medical conditions, there are essentially two ways that you can deal with IBS.

Option one is to visit your doctor or other medical care professional, get a prescribed pharmaceutical medicine and take it. This option might be an effective way of managing your condition but as with many pharmaceutical situations and the drugs related to them, you have to consider the side effects before deciding whether this approach to IBS is the right one for you or your kids.

The second alternative is to do things the natural way. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disorder (a long-term problem that could potentially last for life) that affects your gastrointestinal tract and intestines. Guess what? Women who are moms are twice as likely to suffer from this problem as other people. In the next blog I will discuss what you might be able to do to prevent this disorder from taking over your life. It's not fatal but It can feel like it!

Helping A Mom With A New Baby

If your friend has just had a new baby then you have a wonderful opportunity to show what a great friend you can be. Here are some ideas as to how you can help her get through the next few months.

Do Some Cooking. It's time to prepare some lasagna, shepherd's pie or other foods in big batches and stow this food in her refrigerator for her. You could also do this as a group event by inviting some friends along.

Gather Take Out Menus. Get together a batch of take out menus from local healthy restaurants so she has them at her fingertips when she
wants to order out.

Serve Her Breakfast in Bed. Show up with a picnic basket full of bread, coffee, fruit salad and cheese to help nourish her during those sometimes-difficult first nursing attempts. Make sure that you phone first and arrange a convenient time. If mom is sleeping just leave it outside her door. She will be sure to find it.

Send Her Internet Links About Motherhood. Find great sites for mothers online and then add them to the bookmark section of her browser.

Do a Little Cleaning. Clean her bathroom and kitchen for her. When you have just had a new baby it is difficult to keep up with chores.

Give Her a Trip to the Spa. Give her a gift certificate for an afternoon at her favorite spa and offer to look after the kid.

Do Her Laundry. Every time you visit toss in a new load of laundry and fold whatever is there. You don't have to put it away. Just make sure it is neat and ready for her to use.

Take Any Older Children Out. If the new baby has any siblings it is always nice to just take those kids out of the house. Take them to a movie or to the park so mom and the new baby can have so time to focus on each other. You can also come over later at night and help get those kids to bed by bathing them or reading them a story.

Rent Her Some Movies. Rent her some light-hearted movies she can watch while nursing. Some new moms find watching television very relaxing. Movies like Raising Arizona or Sex in the City are good choices.