Tests Preventing Miscarriages

Miscarriage is a terrible experience to go through. Many women have them before they conceive their first child. Even more have them after conceiving that first child. The older you are, the more stressed you are – the more likely you are to miscarry.

So what causes miscarriages really? Scientists say it is a random flaw in our chromosomes. This accident is known as a random chromosomal error. Mother Nature makes an fertilized egg that is a dud and tells our body to get rid of it. Usually this happens in the first trimester. Women who have tow or even three miscarriages are also likely to just be told again and again that the chromosomes are to blame and that it is normal. It takes at least three big losses before a doctor will investigate this matter further. This is because, in essence the miscarriage is more the norm than the exception. They are considered to be natural occurrence.

However according to an article by Rachel Rabkin Pechmien in Parenting magazine it is now crucial to ask your doctor to test you. This si because research has shown that nearly one third of pregnancy losses are actually caused by a disease or disorder that is treatable. The challenge is that it was not diagnosed before the woman got pregnant.

Some doctors such as Mary Stephenson who is an expert on the subject and an M.D. at the Chicago Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Program says that you need to ask your doctor directly for that chromosomal testing. If you have lost more than one fetus you should ask rather than waste your time going through the nausea and other symptoms of first trimester pregnancy.

Testing is simple. When you have a miscarriage tell the doctor you want the tissue from it to be tested. It needs to be sent to a genetics lab by your doctor so it can be analyzed.

Basically if the resuts show that the miscarriage was due to a random chromosomal error then you probably are not at risk for a miscarriage in the near future. If there is no result like this then your doctor should test you again before you conceive. This can help prevent future tragedies.

Keep in mind that there are all kinds of tests available to prevent problems with miscarriages. There are also all sorts of causes. These include proboems such as an inherited genetic abnormalty, endocrine disorders, problems with the uterus being disfigured or problems with an immune system (especially a compromised immune system.)

The reason you want to get that early testing is because some of these conditions may be treatable. Getting tested early and a quick diagnosis could be your first step toward having a healthy baby and avoiding the heartbreak of miscarriage. All you have to do is ask for the test.

Colic Is Not Your Fault

You've heard about this but you never thought it would happen to you. You are the proud brand new parents of a miserable, inconsolable newborn who does not stop screaming and who can't sleep and can barely feed! So much for the joys of parenthood

Sleepless nights are spent in complete sacrifice to try and remedy your child's numerous complaints and problems but those few moments of peace that you long for just never seem to come. Days run into weeks and you wonder how you could possible be such a rotten parent what you did to cause this.

Then you get the diagnosis from your pediatrician and uh oh – it's colic. Most parents have the right to dread this diagnosis simply because the word 'colic' is one of those throwaway diagnosis like fibromylagia or personality disorder. It has no meaning and a multifarious number of meanings at the same time. It is also a diagnosis that means 'it's nothing' while at the same time being a big deal that could keep you up at night and worried at night for as long as two years.

The first thing you need to realize is that colic is not your fault. It is one of those random acts of Mother Nature rigged to make you feel guilty but it its occurrence has nothing to do with you.

Colic is a condition that can sometimes only be managed rather than cured. Sometimes your doctor is reluctant to tell you this at first. After weeks of dealing with a cranky kid you might still be hoping that somehow that the next visit to your pediatrician can help you fix the colic. After three or four visits you are definitely going to get the impression that you are getting the bum's rush out of the doctor's office. You might even hear the line 'We've done all we can do.'

The best thing you can do for you and your baby is drop any kind of self –blame or negative self talk and realize that your child is in crisis and that you need to weather it through with him or her. Colic is the result of bad parenting, a lack of love or bad karma. It 'just happens' just like that other four letter word that starts with an S.

You need to keep in mind that for decades down that any time a kid screamed it was called colic. In fact all colic really means is a baby that is fussy because it is irritable.

Keep in mind that colic was never really defined. It was just a catchall phrase that was coined in an era when doctors did attribute cranky baby behavior to irresponsible parenting, spoiling the baby and all types of causes.

In a way it is an exciting time to have a baby who has colic because it is actually an area of infant care that is being revolutionized. The old theories are no longer being subscribed to and your problem is being considered more seriously not only by allopathic doctors but also by and alternative practictioners.