Is Your Kid Depressed?

 Depression is a serious health problem that affects children as well as adults. A child can get depression after the loss of a loved one or a traumatic emotional event. Children who have been abused or constantly criticized can also develop chronic depression,

 Sometimes it is hard for depression to be diagnosed in a child. Often the child seems as lazy as the child suffers fatigue and may insist on lying around. The lack of motivation and energy that goes along with depression may be seen as stubbornness. Like adults, children who are depressed either overeat or undereat and develop a dislike of exercising and socializing. They may also become disinterested in their usual hobbies and interests.

Children that are most likely to experience depression are those who have experienced the loss of a pet or loved one (such as a parent or a sibling and those who already are experiencing some kind of disability or learning disorder such as Asperger's syndrome, dyslexia or Attention Deficit Disorder. If not treated depression can lead to failing grades, violence, alcohol, drug use and obesity 

A child with depression – 

Will wear clothes that cover most of the skin on the body

May insist on wearing the same thing every day

Refuses to look anyone in the eye

Uses his or her hair to cover the faceIs always irritable

Cries easilyIs unusually sarcastic or sardonic

May tell morbid tales or be obsessed with death

Prefers to watch television all day

Falls asleep at school or refuses to get up in the morning

Has insomnia or wakes up too early in the morning

Refuses to make decisions

Has many vague physical problems such as stomachaches and headaches

Cries easily

Shows inappropriate emotion or none at all (such as laughing at the death of a pet)

Talks about death or suicide

Talks about running away from home (apparently four out of five runaways were motivated by depression to leave home)

 The sad fact is that as many as one in every three children and one in eight adolescents living in the United States might have depression. This is according to a health study done in 1996. 

Another fact is that teenage girls are more likely to suffer from depression –at least according to the National Institute of Mental Health. There is also quite a bit of evidence that depression is hereditary so if you have a relative in the family with the disorder it is likely that one of your children or you may suffer from it too. 

The consequences of untreated depression in childhood can be devastating as your child grows older For one thing it is a precursor for all sorts of personality disorders and serious depression in adult hood. It also means that your child is at increased risk for such problems as addiction, alcoholism, manic depression and suicide. 

 The fact that it can be so dehabilitating when your child becomes an adult is why it is so important for parents, teachers and guardians to detect depression in children early before it becomes a chronic and self-sabotaging chronic condition that lasts a lifetime.

Sort through toy clutter

With so many choices, shopping for just the right toy can be an overwhelming undertaking for new parents who can find themselves endlessly roaming the aisles and the internet looking for the perfect play experience for their child. In fact, 65 % of those shopping for young children find it difficult to locate toys that help in learning and development. Now, eBeanstalk has come to the rescue…to save parents and gift givers time and worry.

The ultimate source for the tools to nurture the young child's physical and intellectual growth, eBeanstalk's unique concept offers parents a stress-free approach to toy buying. Every three months during the course of a year, a toy arrives at the customers' doorstep perfectly suited to match the stage of a child's development. Selected by a team of child specialists and a Mother Board consisting of over 500 new moms, each toy has been looked at, played with and selected from 10,000 toys to arrive at 400 of the best developmental toys available. Parents and gift givers can feel confident that each toy has been thoroughly researched and endorsed by child development experts and by real mothers looking for the best for their children.

Committed to 'planting the seeds that help children grow,' eBeanstalk also provides information to help parents understand the role of play in a child's development of cognitive, language, social, physical, and emotional skills. Accompanying each toy is an information card written by eBeanstalk experts describing why the toy was chosen, the skills that it helps to develop and how a parent and child can play with it together. The site also features message boards, Q and A's with eBeanstalk's experts, and a thorough list of developmental milestones, all designed to make eBeanstalk the place for new parents to find the child development information they need.

'Most development occurs within the first three years of life,' said Patrick Moore, co-founder of eBeanstalk. 'We found that there was a need to bring attention to how toys impact a young child's intellectual and physical growth. Our toys are matched to 3 month incremental stages, so eBeanstalk customers can be assured their child will get the appropriate toy when they need it. And by providing information that goes beyond the manufacturers' instructions, we believe we can enhance the child's quality of play.'
Brian Gordon, co-founder of ebeanstalk adds. 'As the parent of a newborn, I know first hand how mind boggling choosing the right toy for your child can be. All the toys look the same and there are thousands to choose from. And at eBeanstalk, we have found that just because a product is on the market does not necessarily mean it is safe. eBeanstalk cuts through the toy-clutter and offers new parents and gift givers a simple solution for providing children with the safest and most stimulating toys on the market.' With an array of the best developmental toys, games, puppets, puzzles, costumes, etc. from top manufacturers around the world, eBeanstalk's offerings are divided into five different stages of a child’s development: newborn; 1- to 2-years-old; 2-to 3-years old; 3- to 4-years-old and 4- to 5-years-old. Within each age range, customers can select one of several specially designed gift sets at different price points that are designed to bring the most age-appropriate, developmentally sound toys to the their doorstep every three months, delivered in a special eBeanstalk white gift box.

eBeanstalk's child specialists bring a comprehensive developmental approach to the task of toy evaluation and providing guidance for creative play. The five member team select the toys, create Graduated Play ideas for each toy, author the eBeanstalk instruction cards, and answer visitor questions. The team is comprised of: Dr. Andrew Eig, a clinical psychologist who focuses on social and emotional skills, Deanie Barth, a physical therapist who focuses on dexterity and locomotion skills, Shari Harpaz, a speech pathologist focusing on language and imagination skills, Barbara Greenspan, a pediatric occupational therapist focusing on dexterity skills, and Gopi K. Palel, a special educator who focuses on behavioral therapy and parent training.

But real moms are the heart of eBeanstalk. Over 500 new mothers (all with children from 0-5 years of age) from all over the United States comprise eBeanstalk’s Mother Board. The voluntary group acts as a nationwide ‘governing body’ — playing with new toys being considered for the site, rating each and every one of them, and providing valuable feedback. eBeanstalk is a website dedicated to helping children in their most critical time of development grow their minds and bodies, by supplying the highest quality, professionally screened, stage appropriate tools. Launched in September 2006, its founders, former marketing executives Brian Gordon and Patrick Moore, continue to move the eBeanstalk site beyond e-commerce to one that offers those interested in the development of children a place to come together and 'plant the seeds to help children grow'. Click here to visit them now.