Exergaming Your Kids

Have you got a big old kid that is acting like the most spoiled couch potato in the world?  If so then you might want to try the exercising device that is now all the rage for both kids and adults called the Gamercizer.

How does this gadget get your kid up off the couch? In essence the entire gadget looks like something that belongs in an episode of the Flintstones. It is an exercise bike or treadmill that is attached to a video screen. The only way to keep the virtual style video game running is to put your kid on it and tell him to cycle and run. 

 Of course, as most kids also love to play video games they will also play the video game at the same time. Well it seems that in order for this to run efficiently that your kid has to keep up a certain pacing of exercise or the screen on which the video game is playing will go completely black.  I think this is a great idea as kids nowadays definitely seem to be more interested in the computer screen then playing hopscotch or baseball.  Even weirder they prefer the simulated outdoors to the real one, especially if the simulated outdoors takes place inside the weird mind of some animator. 

It appears that the exercise gadget the Gamercizer made to PC Magazine's Top Ten List of Fitness Gadgets for 2007.  Your treadmill, cross trainer, cycle or stair climber, can power Nintendo and other games.  Of course the Gamercizer only really suits people who are good multi-tasking as it involves exercising and playing video games at the same time. 

If you have a couch potato for a child it is obvious how this could help motivate him or her get off of the couch and start exercising.  First of all it allows the child to develop incredible powers of concentration and stamina. It is actually quite difficult to run on a treadmill and play a video game at the same time. Of course us moms might want to try more passive versions of software on this type of device. There are non-combative and non-competitive versions of this type of bike that allow you to look at pleasant scenery as you cycle on the bike. The minute you stop cycling your adventure disappears.  

You can also get versions of these types of Exergaming programs that take you into a fantasyland where you get to cycle in all kinds of different exotic locations.  You can program the number of hills you have to climb, the kind of weather you are running in and also what you are wearing. Perhaps footage of George Clooney running just out of my reach and very fast might give me the motivation to work more weight off than usual.  There is nothing like the thrill of the chase to get a person's heart pumping.

Toddlers and Depression

Believe it or not there is a rising epidemic of depression among toddlers in North America. It is depressing in itself to think that they can suffer from it at all but apparently many toddlers can get the blues.

Many studies conducted since the 1990s show that clinical depression is a disease that can attack all ages. Depression and thoughts of suicide can plague a child as young as two years old and torture them the same way they do an adult or teenager. 

An ongoing study being conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health and the Washington School of Medicine is finding that there are more toddlers and preschoolers with depression then we think. Their findings about toddlers and preschoolers with depression were so concerning that it has prompted a major Surgeon General Report to be conducted about the state of children's mental health in the United States. 

According to the National Mental Health Association, a whopping one in three children in the United suffers from depression.  The results of these types of studies are thought to be comparable to what is going on in other countries in the world.

 Unfortunately if your kid is depressed it can be a lot harder to diagnose then it is for an adult as so often it is interpreted as misbehavior stubbornness or even a low intelligence quotient. Like adults, toddlers and preschoolers lose all interest in activities that they used to enjoy when they are depressed. They also become lethargic, withdrawn and irritable. A depressed toddler may also cry a lot, lack enthusiasm be impatient and irritable and always be tired.

The child may also withdraw from favorite family, friends or activities. Toddlers that are depressed may also have trouble sleeping or sleep all day. Many of them suffer form excess weight gain or weight loss. The toddler who is depressed may whine more or need more attention. Frequent complaints of physical problems, such as stomachaches and headaches can also indicate depression. 

Depression in toddlers can also mimic learning disorders, regression, and lack of concentration and memory loss. In severe cases the child may talk morbidly or try to harm oneself or others during play. Trying to harm or a kill a pet is also a symptom.  If you see these symptoms take the kid to a doctor. It does not mean you are a bad parent! However before you rush your child to a doctor keep in mind that kids have ups and downs just like adults. The above symptoms become pathological when they begin to have some duration.

Displaying any of the above symptoms for a day is not the same as displaying them for weeks on end and that is what you mainly have to watch for.  According to a report done by the United States Surgeon General any child that displays depressed symptoms for more than two weeks needs to see a doctor. According to the same report the average duration of depression in a toddler usually lasts from seven to nine months.