What Parents Need to Know About Cutters

A cutter is a child, usually a girl (but boys can develop it too) who cannot stop injuring herself. They harm their own bodies by creating a wound so they do not have to feel other feelings. It helps them get out of experiencing a mood or emotional state that feels painful. Many people who do this will cut themselves but hitting one, burning, scratching and biting is also quite common. Banging the head compulsively is also related to cutting.

The reason children practice self-industry is because they need to release physiological and psychological pain quickly. They go from a state of panic to a state of calm very quickly. The most common denominator in kids who cut themselves is being unable to express their feelings. Usually these kids have had something abusive happen and re unable to handle it. Cutting gives the child a sense of self-control. Rarer is the child that cuts herself as a form of self punishment. Many use it to feel a sense of control when they are being controlled. They use it ritualistically to express feelings that they otherwise have no feelings for.

Sometimes this is part of a larger distressing disorder. Some kids may be more aggressive and impulsive than other then more likely to mutilate themselves. It is rarely done to fit in with other kids or because everyone is doing it.

Although parents may not be able to prevent this disturbing compulsive disorder you need to talk about it with your teen. You should make sure you are not doing all of the talking and listen to the child. Often a frustration with communication is at the root of this and the kid needs to express him or herself.

Like with other addictions, a kid cannot be forced not to cut herself. She will like sneak away and keep doing it if you try to control it. Do not issue ultimatums or punish the self-destructive behavior. Threatening to hospitalize or institutionalize a self-injurer can make feelings of lack of control and make the situation even worse.
You need to ease the kid into therapy for the problem if you are to get rid of it forever. There many therapeutic techniques employed by mental health professionals to help him. It’s best to consult a professional with specific experience working with kids who mutilate themselves. There may be underlying serious mental conditions that need to be diagnosed.

How to Get a Teenager to Clean Up a Messy Room

If you want to get a teenager to clean up a messy room then the worst thing to do is shut the door and ignore the problem. The room will just get messier and messier. In fact if you do that the problem could get so large that the kid will never attempt to clean up. As a parent it is your job to get them to clean it up and organize it.

The first thing you should do is try and reason with your child. Don't nag him or her but ask him calmly and quietly why cleaning the room up is such a problem. Ask them what the problem is when it comes to cleaning up the room.

After talking, help them assess the room and find out if they need shelves on which to store their music or other knick knacks. If your kid is a teen there might be a lot of make up around. Be clever about what you can store things in. Old cups and bowls can be used to store items. You can also use plastic tubs. Old boxes and shoe boxes can be good free storage containers for smaller items as well.

You can put smaller boxes inside drawers to help the teen stay organized as well. Get organizers with shelves and label the drawers and organizers so they know where to put things each time they clean.

One way to encourage them to get the room looking clean is to have them try to get all surfaces clean. This gets them out of the habit of cluttering up surfaces all of the time.

Kids that have messy rooms sometimes do not have the basics. They will need a place to store pencils, pens, calculators, rulers, art supplies and glue. Plastic tackle boxes and plastic work boxes can also help a disorganized teen keep things straight.

To help reduce the amount of trash that might be lying around make sure that you place trash baskets in strategic spots and designate a day when they must take out their own trash. Keep a tote basket full of the cleaning supplies he or she will need to keep their bedroom upstairs pristine. This prevents them from experiencing'the drat' of searching downstairs for the things that they need.

Once your child does master keeping the room clean then praise him or her so that they keep on doing it again and again. Reward them with movie tickets or something else they might prize to keep the motivation there in their heads.