Teaching Your Kids Spanish

It's not a bad idea to teach your kids Spanish, especially if you live in the United States. In fact the language outstrips English as the most commonly spoken language in the big urban centers.
When looking for a Spanish course for your child make sure it is organized in a way that will make sure they learn fast. Make sure that they can learn the easy consonants and vowels first. A good course will teach them how to pronounce the more difficult consonants secondly. An effective course will then proceed to go on to teach your child all about greetings, plurals, genders, nouns, adjectives and pronouns. Your child should also be taught how to conjugate verbs and understand the complicated stress and accent marks.
The good news is that most kids learn how to speak Spanish quite quickly as it is quite an easy language to learn. It is not as complicated to get to know as French or English. The most difficult thing about it knows which direction to put accent or stress marks so that you are pronouncing words correctly.
If you need to learn Spanish too you could also go to night school or to your local Learning Annex to learn Spanish. Most high schools and universities also have courses that are labeled Spanish for beginners.
If you want to teach yourself Spanish there are all kinds of programs that you can find online that can help you accomplish this goal. Some of these language programs are available as audio disks and others you can get as MP3s. These teaching programs really do vary in price so it really is worth it to shop around before you buy.
It is also a good idea to read reviews of these language learning products to make sure that they will indeed help you become a fluent speaker. One way to find out if these products are good is to read what other customers have had to say about them. You can find reviews of almost all language teaching programs online.
You might also want to try a cultural immersion program. This is the scenario where you send your kid to another. He or she learns the language simply mingling with the local people. This method of learning a language works really well for younger people.
You and your kids can learn the language by attending the local schools, seeing movies in Spanish and getting a job that forces you to only speak Spanish. The best country to do this in is Spain but there are islands in the Caribbean, such as the Dominican Republic where mainly Spanish is spoken. It's easy to pick this up. You know you have mastered a language when you start thinking in it too.

The Benefits of a Power Nap

Mothers get grouchy because kids keep them hopping on their feet all day. If done correctly, taking regular day-time naps will give you an enormous surge of energy and make you feel d so you can wake up earlier.

This is not such a strange concept.  In many siesta countries (such as Spain and Mexico), taking a regular mid-afternoon nap is a normal part of the culture. There is wisdom behind this approach to life.  The key is to not sleep longer than forty-five to fifty minutes as this is how long it takes for most people to accomplish one sleep cycle.

During the first sleep cycle, our body enters deep sleep for the longest period of time, it's at this point that our body temperature begins to drop really low, our respiration, heart rate and blood pressure decreases.

If you've ev er been woken up out of 'deep sleep', you know that it's almost impossible to shake ourselves out of it. Waking up during or after a major deep sleep phase makes you feel lethargic, slow, and disoriented.

It takes about 45 minutes to enter the first deep sleep phase. If you limit your nap to 45 minutes, you will sleep mainly in Stage 2 sleep, which is the stage of sleep that is primarily concerned with restoring our physical energy. If you sleep any longer and are suddenly awakened you may feel too groggy to go on as you are entering stages of sleep that more have to do with the mind.

Yet another danger of entering deep sleep during the day is putting your body temperature rhythm out of whack, it may be difficult for you to go to sleep later on in the night. You may also have difficulty sleeping deeply at night, which will have negative consequences for the day ahead, such as poor energy, headaches and nausea.

The correct way to take naps is to keep them short and to take them at the same time every day.Taking irregular naps is one way that sleeping disorders develop. If you feel tired after a nap that is your cue to shorten, not lengthen the nap by a few minutes.


If you have never napped before, you are in for a treat. You will be surprised at how energized you feel for the rest of the day when you do take one! Limit the nap to 45 minutes, if you still feel tired after the nap, then shorten the nap time. The amount of time required to enter deep sleep varies from person to person so once again finding your personal threshold for achieving quality sleep can take time and patience. However most people achieve great success by simply setting a gentle alarm for 50 minutes!