Which Mental Illnesses are Most Common in Children? I was shocked to learn that twenty percent of Amercian

I was shocked to learn that twenty percent of Amercian children suffer from mental illness according to the U.S. Surgeon general. This should make us, as parents, more aware of what the illnesses are that can affect young minds so that we can prevent them from growing up into troubled addicts.

Children are prone to suffering from anxiety orders. This causes them to respond to certain fears and situations with a great deal of dread. If your child is nervous, sweating and suffering from a rapid heartbeat in certain situations it may not be because he or she is being defiant. There may be a real phobia triggering the anxious reactions behind it that require treatment by a psychiatrist.

Kids with pervasive disorders have trouble understanding the world around them. They are not stupid kids. They simply perceive the world differently than everyone else. Kids like these might also suffer from learning or communication disorders; this is very common and keeps your kid from finding a great job as an adult or going on to higher education.

Teens with eating disorders are a great concern. Do not ignore this one! If you have a daughter who eats and then throws up to keep her weight down or one who is stick thin, get her to therapy immediately. This type of behavior is very self-destructive and also lingers into adult-hood. Teens with these disorders may also have trouble eliminating or urinating. They may develop phobias around eating because they do not want to make any waste.

Disruptive behavioral disorders, such as defiance disorder (where the child is very rebellious) can be a real problem and affect your child's chances of staying in school. Defiant kids are often angry kids that go down the wrong path in life so be sure to get you kid help if he does exactly the opposite of what all of the elders tell him to do in life. Remember too, that as you take this kind of child to treatment, that is not a bad or evil kid, he simply suffers from a compulsion to defy anything that he feels might control him.

Natural Treatments for Air and Motion Sickness

There are various homoeopathic treatments for motion sickness that you might consider using as an alternative to the medical drugs highlighted earlier. After all if they are good enough for the royal family they are good enough for me!
The most common of these homoeopathic treatments are as follows:
Cocculus Indicus: This is probably the most common homoeopathic remedy for motion sickness, especially for sufferers who experience nausea which gets worse when they see or smell food. It is common for Cocculus to be given to travelers who commonly feel weak and experience a hollow or empty feeling in their stomach as a result of suffering airsickness. This is a remedy that is also very well suited to people whose condition is made worse by feeling cold, from moving about or from a lack of sleep.
Rhus Toxicodendron: Is probably better known by the more common name poison ivy but fortunately, in very small doses, it is not going to kill you! However, what it can do for anyone whose airsickness usually exhibits itself through nausea and vomiting (whilst there is also a lack of appetite at the same time) is help calm their condition down.
Often people who suffer these kinds of symptoms will feel weak and lightheaded because there is a distinct lack of nutrition inside them, so they might feel dizzy when standing. Sometime this feeling will be accompanied by an intense headache and your child might feel like their 'hair hurts!'
Tabacum: This solution would be a suitable homoeopathic remedy for anyone whose airsickness is most commonly identified by them feeling nauseous and faint, with a green tinge or extremely pale color to their skin. Most commonly, these obvious symptoms would be accompanied by a sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach and possibly a severe headache that feels as if there is a very tight band wrapped around the head.
There are also a number of herbs that can help motion sickness and air sickness. Many studies have indicated that ginger appears to be more effective than a placebo in reducing the adverse effects of motion sickness. For example, in one study, a group who were given ginger extracts reported significant reduction in nausea, vomiting and cold sweating when compared with the control group who were taking a placebo.
Therefore dosing your kid or yourself up with ginger capsules before and during your flight might help to reduce the severity of the motion sickness problem if it does not get rid of it completely.
A combination of peppermint and black horehound has been used by some herbalists as an effective method of treating nausea, so whilst it is not specifically used as a treatment for motion sickness, it can certainly offset some of the worst effects of having your kid or yourself feel violently ill on a plane.