Is Having Children Bad for the Planet?

I read something today that perturbed me as I do have quite a few kids but I am not thinking of having any more on purpose specifically because of my environmental concerns. The article was from last year and published last May in The Australian. It was by Sarah-Kate Templeton and all about how having children should be considered to be an environmental misdemeanor. Having too many children leaves a huge carbon imprint the same w ay as not recycling and driving big SUVs does. Most people are going to read this and glaze over. We need the SUVs to cart our large families around.
The original paper done on this concept was put together by the Optimum Population Trust. The idea behind it is that if each couple had two children instead of three the savings in carbon dioxide output would be the equivalent of 620 return flights a year between New York and London. Although this seems impressive I am like so many other humans wondering why I should go to the trouble of not breeding while millionaires are still allowed to fly around the world in their jet planes. I am thinking about people like Tom Cruise and John Travolta who supposedly care about the environment yet charter jet planes. Am I not supposed to procreate before some kind law cracks down on their indulgent behavior?
Does it surprise anyone reading this that the rest of the world thinks we are so selfish for having so many children when we have the birth control available to us to stop it? After the entire problem in so many underprivileged countries is that there is a lack of birth control. The result is too many babies, most of them starving. Many of the children in those countries don't even live long enough to leave a very big carbon imprint on the world. Yet we have these children that grow up to own one or more cars or homes and that insist on continuing cycles of consumerism that support industries that harm the environment. What's a mother to think? Is this survival of the fittest? Or survival of the bullies?
People make a big deal about Earth Hour and shutting off their lights for one hour but really effective change would be accomplished by not having a kid. By comparison the savings in energy when it comes to things like shutting off all of your lights at night or lowering your thermostat seem like spits in the bucket.
John Guillebaud, co-chairman of OPT and emeritus professor of family planning at University College London said – “The greatest thing anyone in Britain could do to help the future of the planet would be to have one less child.” I would cap that statement off with an advisory to adopt one as well.
According to Guillebaud, The British fertility rate is 1.7. The European average is 1.5. Despite this, Professor Guillebaud says rich countries should be the most concerned about family size as their children have higher per capita carbon dioxide emissions.

Post Partum Depression

Postpartum depression is sneaky. It occurs within minutes, days, weeks or months after childbirth. It is considered a major depressive episode and it is not something that is natural or that can be ignored. It is also not treated with vitamins as everybody's favorite post partum expert Tom Cruise has suggested. It is just not 'the baby blues.' 

Symptoms of post partum depression include anxiety, agoraphobia, paranoia persistent feeling down, lethargy, indecisiveness, lack of care about the appearance, negative thinking, feeling overwhelmed, an inability to concentrate, disassociation, suicidal thoughts, hopelessness, insomnia or oversleeping, fatigue, and irritable mood.

Sometimes this form of depression is also accompanied by hateful thoughts about the child or including the desire to harm or kill the child. You might feel like you can't handle being in the same room as the child one more minute longer. 

When is postpartum considered to be serious?  A mild case of the baby blues officially becomes post partum if feelings of sadness after birth last more than two weeks. If you know someone like this encourage him or her to get help. It is also very important to stress to your friend that none of this is her fault. Postpartum depression is quite common. It occurs in about 15 percent of mothers. 

Mothers most likely to get post-partum are those who already have a history of depression and those who have had it before. There seems to be no real explanation as to why some new mothers experience postpartum depression and others do not.  Doctors blame it on lowered estrogen levels and shifts in progesterone, cortisol, and beta-endorphin levels. In other words, post partum is the consequence of your body manufacturing hormones and chemicals in a way that makes you feel sad, hostile or depressed. 

Unfortunately many women do not recognize the chemical and hormonal activity going on in their body as being responsible for the way they feel. They prefer to blame themselves because they feel so inadequate and guilty about the hostility that they feel towards their child. Usually the inner critic is turned on full blast and you can't do anything right. If you feel suicidal after having a baby or if you know a mother that has any of the above symptoms it is very important that you get her to be assessed by a medical professional as soon as possible.

Post-partum is a serious condition that can create an altered state of reality. Sadly sometimes post partum depression can cost both the mother and the baby their lives. However this does not mean you want to treat the mother like a murderer! Don't give post partum any more stigma then it already has a condition.  Too many mothers who have had it have been described as unfit. 

Keep in mind too that talking to an individual with post-partum depression can be quite difficult. This is because part of the syndrome is irritability and paranoia. She will want to sleep and avoid responsibility but your chore as a friend is to get her out of bed and to see the doctor!