Female Hair Loss

Nobody completely understands why female hair loss takes place. It is however known to be caused by an interruption in the normal hair cycle. For some reason the hair follicles go dormant. Another name for this dormancy is telogen effluvium. The main cause is assumed by doctors to be stress. The female hair loss that comes from stress is called stress alopecia. It can take about three months for the stress that the person has experienced to impact the hair follicles and cause the hair loss. This is why it seems like all of the hair never falls out all at once.

The types of shocks to the hair growth cycle that are known to cause female hair loss are a sudden hormone change, the delivery of a baby, hormone replacement therapy, a very high people, severe dieting, surgery, a psychological shock (such as a death in the family, an underactive or overactive thyroid, lupus, diabetes and chemotherapy. Just having a general aneasthesia for a very mild procedure can cause it.

Certain medications can also cause female hair loss including Vitamin A Retinoid medications, blood pressure medication, birth control pills, anti-depressants and ibuprofen. Female hair loss is also pronounced in women who smoke and women who abuse recreational drugs. This is because both tobacco and marijuana are grown with chemical fertilizers and radioaticte phosphate fertilizers. Also it si just a common side effect of many feel good medications including anti-depressants. If you want a healthy thick lush head of hair try staying off all drugs.

Severe burns, radiation, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are also known causes of female hair loss. Basically any physical trauma can cause it and the resulting hair loss can be permanent or it can be just for one cycle of hair growth. Usually the latter case is more likely. It is very rarely that someone's hair just falls out and never grows back. However it has been known to happen. When it falls out for no reason and never grows back it is called idiopathic permanent hair loss.

When the female hair loss is caused by stress the loss is usually evident all over the scalp and hair loss on other parts of the body, such as the pubic area, can also occur. If the hair is patchy then the female hair loss is likely not caused by stress but instead by an autoimmune disease. This is a disorder in which antibodies attack the hair follicles and hair falls out in small, coin shaped patches. In some women, this can progress to total loss of hair on the head. However the coin shaped patches are actually good news as it means the hair can grow back.

There is no real treatment for female hair loss available although iron supplements are occasionally given to encourage blood circulation to the scalp. However this is not an instantaneous solution of any type. Mostly the hair cycle interruption corrects itself and new hair grows in about three months after the initial hair loss.

Breast Fed Milk Allergies

Just because your baby is being breastfed does not mean that it cannot develop a milk protein allergy. While it may occur less frequently than formula allergies the babies nonetheless can have symptoms of milk allergy. The suspicion on the part of a pediatrician that the baby might be allergic to breast milk is why most doctors recommend that a new mother start the infant on formula.

Many mothers think that when their child develops an allergy to breast milk that he or she is actually allergic to her milk. This is a common misconception and a true allergy to your own mother's milk wold be very rare indeed. The baby is, in actuality allergic to certain proteins in your diet that you have digested and that eventually end up being secreted into your breast milk. . Sometiems if you eat less of these protiends the child is still able to tolerate the breast milk. This means that you as a mom have to be careful about what you eat in order to make sure that your breast milk does not cause colicky symptoms in your infant.

The treatment for mil protein allergy in the breast fed baby is dietary retraction of the offending proteins. While some lactation experts will recommend broad sweeping restrictions most babies will do just fine with the restriction of the milk proteins casein and whey. This translates to mean that you can't drink milk or eat milk products like cheese or yogurt. This is because it is the components in cow's milk that are likely making your baby colicky and sick.

The foods that contain casein and whey that you should avoid are

· Milk
· Butter
· Half and half
· Sour ream
· Yogurt
· Ice cream
· Cottage cheese
· Custard
· Curd ghee
· Nougat
· Brown sugar flavoring
· Margarine
· Deli meats
· Chocolate
· High protein shakes
· High protein flower
· Nondairy creamer
· Cheese

Your baby usually shows signs of improvement after just a few days of clearing your diet of milk proteins. Some babies may take two to three weeks for the complete healing of the intestinal inflammation. The key is to be patient and give it enough time. Many babies really do settle down after the two week period.

If you change your diet and the baby is still sick then you will no longer be able to breast feed the child. The main treatment for the milk allergic baby is to take him or her off milk and feed him or her one of the hypoallergenic baby formulas. There are all different kinds of formulas on the market that do not have a trace of these proteins and once your baby starts drinking these the symptoms usually disappear altogether. Removing intact cow's milk protein from the baby's diet serves the role of making baby feel better as well as confirms any suspicion that milk allergy was the cause of the colic in the first place (if the symptoms are relieved!)