Does Your Bedwetter Have ADD?

Is your kid's bedwetting caused by ADD? As many children with ADD do suffer from sleep disorders, it is common for them to suffer from bed-wetting, also known as enurosis. Some of them sleep very deeply and may have difficulty waking up to go to the bathroom when their bladder is full. As most children with ADHD have difficulty with discipline and organization in the first place they may be less responsive to behavioral interventions. Disciplining an ADD bedwetter may make him wet the bed more which is definitely the case with my bedwetting nine year old.

Children who suffer from ADD, feel ashamed for many reasons in the first place so you should never shame them more by striking them or being harsh with them. Bedwetters and especially ADD bedwetters can't control themselves at all. This is the result of constant criticism and rejection from their peers. Some of them just may accept the bed-wetting as one more thing in their life that cannot be changed or controlled and not make the effort to change the situation.

Bedwetting is thought to be more common in boys than girls. At age five bedwetting affects 7% of boys and 3% of girls. By age ten, it affects 3% of boys and 2% of girls. By adolescence, 1% of ADD sufferers still suffer from bed-wetting

Doctors do not know an exact cause of nighttime bedwetting (also called enuresis) in ADD afflicted children, except that the area of the brain that controls impulses seems to be under active.

Enuresis may occur on its own in normal and ADD afflicted children because of slow neurological development, a small bladder and a tendency to produce too much urine at night. It has also been attributed to anxiety, a sudden change in routine and emotional trauma. Kids that have been shocked in some way bed wet more. Kids that move to a new school will also wet the bed. Even seeing a scary movie can cause it.

Before you jump to conclusions you should realize this first. A very small percentage of children might experience bed-wetting as the result of such physical problems as bladder infections, kidney infections, chronic nephritis, diabetes mellitus, lower spinal cord problems and congenital malformations of the urinary tract. Bedwetting is also associated with enlarged tonsils or adenoids. Get your kid checked out by a good doctor if you suspect it has a physical cause.

If your kid is a bedwetter get some help or medication for him or her. This can last into adult hood for whatever reason and cause your child years of humiliation. Make sure there is not something you can do for some of her to treat this type of symptom, which may or may not be a sign that your kid has ADD. Sadly, adults with ADD will wet the bed their entire life and there is very little they can do about it as they have no control over the part of the brain that controls urges.

Children diagnosed with ADD

Children who have been diagnosed with ADD can be disruptive to say the least. Parents are often tempted to use corporal punishment because they feel that nothing less will get a child’s attention. Parents will try everything from emotional black mail to ignoring the problem to care taking in order to try and manage the situation. I know from experience with my nine year old that nothing seems to work.

Unfortunately, individuals with ADD do not respond well to any kind of punishment, whether it is corporeal or emotional. In the case of children, attempting to discipline them with violent acts only teaches them that violence is the best way to resolve conflicts. You cannot teach an individual with ADD to be accountable for their actions. All you can really do is minimize the heart-rending guilt that they feel when they do commit a misdeed.

Many parents of ADHD children are still waiting for their child’s case of the “terrible twos” to be over even after the child has reached adolescence. These impulsive and hyperactive children are often unable to “look before they leap” and cause serious safety threats to the entire family. As children with ADHD are also usually very creative and intelligent, it is difficult to quell their curiosity. They are always getting into medicine cabinets, trying to cook supper on their own and seeing how high they can climb up a tree. To make things worse some ADHD children have perceptual, coordination and balance disorders that affects their judgment when it comes to determining whether or not they are about to put themselves in a precarious position. This also leads to a lot of spills, breakage and loss of valuable property. I should know my nine-year is like a bull in China shop.

Individuals with ADD or ADHD can also cause serious emotional rifts between yourself and other members of your family. For instance, siblings of a child with ADD can act up because they feel they deserve the same kind of attention and focus that is given to the child who is misbehaving all the time. They may also resent the child and shun them from their social circle because they are embarrassed by his or her behavior. Physical and emotional injuries are frequent as conflicts break out between frustrated siblings and baffled sufferers of ADD. My older children are furious I spend so much time withy troubled nine year old.

Parents and spouses of ADD afflicted individuals may also find themselves taking a lot of heat for the behavior of there loved ones. Parents may be admonished by grand parents and friends and advised to discipline the child more often. Some parents may suffer from low self-esteem as the result of repeated accusations of not knowing how to raise a child. Some ADD children scream and act out so much that the neighbors and teachers suspect the parents of abuse. Teachers may also suspect a negligent or abusive family life is behind the child’s disturbed behavior. As the parent of one of these possibly ADD kids I can tell you that this is definitely not the case. I am a good mother. Still it can be hard to tell others why your kid acts up so much.