Even More About Nutrition

Here are some more myths about nutrition that you might find interesting.

Many of us are paying more to eat organic produce. However if you don’t eat organic, you’re not missing out. Some organic crops that are grown have been tested, and some have higher levels of vitamin C, a little bit more magnesium, some have high levels of antioxidants than conventionally-grown crops but most of them are not that nutritious. What IS important that you eat more fruits and veggies, no matter how they were farmed.

Another myth is that diet pop is better for you than regular pop. If you have to drink pop it’s better to drink diet pop, because you’re not getting the 10 teaspoons of sugar that come in a regular can. T he phosphoric acid in all colas can negatively affect bone density.

Another myth is that alcohol helps you sleep. Having a glass of wine in a bubble bath to relax before bed seems like a good idea, but don’t be surprised if you end up tossing and turning later in bed. Many studies have shown that using alcohol as a sleep aid will help you sleep soundly at first, but can lead to poor sleep quality, repeatedly waking up from your sleep, sometimes to nightmares. If you drink alcohol, try to keep it to the early evening and avoid going overboard.

Yet another lie I grew up with is that skipping meals can help you lose weight. This actually hurts your metabolism. The best way to chow down without packing on the pounds is to eat a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner, with two snacks during the day if you can fit them in.

Another myth is that vegetarians are healthier than carnivores. you are a vegetarian that follows a well-balanced diet and you’re getting everything you need, certainly research does suggest that vegetarian populations do experience better health in terms of heart health, lower cancer rates and healthier weight. However any vegetarian that is not replacing the lost animal protein in his or her life will be unhealthier.

Another belief is that you have to take vitamins to stay healthy. Studies show us that most people do not even digest vitamin pills and we simply eliminate them whole from our bodies. Most people benefit from a Vitamin D supplement and maybe calcium if they are not getting enough nutrition from their diet. It is ALWAYS best to get the nutrition you need from food sources.

Mommies and Fatigue

What's the very first thing to avoid, or think seriously about avoiding, when undertaking the generation-long task of raising a child? The list of possible hazards seems endless, and there are literally thousands of books, pamphlets, guides and self-help manuals for absolutely every stage of development from early pregnancy to late college registration. Throughout, the 'don't's are invariably more numerous and urgent than the 'do's. So what is at the root of all difficulty with child-rearing? Well, it should be obvious, but perhaps you were just too tired to get the correct answer this time! That's right – the word is FATIGUE. And sooner or later everyone has to reckon with it. So if you want to meet each day with just enough gas in your energy tank to take care of your growing family, here are a few things to remember.

Consistency is the biggest energy saver of all – that is, consistency of work, using time management techniques based on a slow and deliberate rate of energy output. The key here, and the most powerful benchmark indication that you've gone over the limit, is to take note when you feel run down and in need of a rest. This situation can best be avoided by consistency in your care of the child through the day, broken by short periods of rest wherever you can fit them into your schedule. While it's very true that newborns are just about the least consistent creatures in existence, with enough dedication to your time management approach you can drastically cut down on your periods of fatigue and better avoid exhaustion.

The regular clearance and tidying of the living area is another fundamental energy saver for a new parent. Children are just as good as adults at creating a mess, and both can contribute equally to a disaster area waiting to happen. But too often the biggest disaster is the complete loss of physical energy when backpedaling to tie up loose ends from missed chores. So every parent's consistency plan should include ALWAYS staying on top of household cleaning chores. The logic of this plan will become more and more clear as the days go by without serious loss of energy as the parent remains alert to the needs of the children.

More than anything else, when a newborn in the house has needs, you can bet they will be IMMEDIATE needs, requiring quick attention and detailed precision. So a simple but very strong way to conserve energy is to make certain that baby accoutrements – clothing, kitchenware, bathing gear etc – are stored within easy and quick reach of the parent. If what you need right away is too high, too low or worse, misplaced, stress levels can skyrocket very easily and quickly, burning up the energy you need. So plan ahead, execute as slowly as you can, and keep your area clear en route to becoming the only parent on the block with energy to burn at the end of your day!