Baby Sign Language

Baby Sign Language was supposed to be invented by a company called Baby Sign. However the jury is out on that one as it seems many companies nowadays are laying claim to the science. However to be far, the company has published a best selling book on the topic teaching your baby sign language called The Baby Sign Dictionary. It also runs and franchises programs and classes out of Baby Sign Institutes.

This company put forth its theories about babies to help mothers raise healthier and happier babies. Signing to your baby gives him or her a way to communicate before their tongues, lips and vocal cords have developed the coordination to allow them to speak.

Baby signing is simple for most moms, dads and other family members to learn because it is based on traditional American Sign Language (also known as ASL) it is used to communicate with individuals who are deaf. The company interviewed a focus group of parents and asked them to come up with the 100 most popular things that their babies try to communicate to them and then designed sign language to fit those requests.

Since hand-eye coordination is possible in advance of the acquisition of verbal skills, infants can learn to express their needs using simple signs for common words such as “eat”, “sleep”, “more”, “hug”, “play”, “cookie”, and 'milk”, etc., before they are able to produce understandable speech.

The great thing about Baby Signs is that you can start teaching it to your infants quite soon after they are born. Most children are ready to master it between seven and nine months. That is the age at which most infants have the eye and hand coordination to be able to sign a request to their parents.

Children who can sign have so far been show to have a higher intelligence quotient and a greater ability to learn a second language later in life.

Yet another benefit of Baby Signs is that it can help expand the vocabulary of a toddler. Once they have learned this simplified form of ASL most children continue to use it up until the ages of four and even five years old.

Studies done by Baby Sign also show that teaching your child sign language at an early age also stimulates brain development and gives your child of a head start when it comes to developing language and social skills.

Critics of Baby Sign say that it creates a reliance on non-verbal communication and therefore gives the baby no motivation as to how to learn how to speak. There have been no studies done to prove that this is true.

The benefits far outweigh the drawbacks when it comes to babies signing with the biggest benefit for a parent being able to enjoy a higher level of trust from your baby.

Is Circumsicion Safe For Your Baby?

 Circumcision nowadays is very common. It is definitely a rite of passage for people form many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.  I am not saying in this blog that I am for or against the procedure in any way but I thought it was an interesting subject especially for new parents who are wondering 'To circumcise or not to circumcise – that is the question.' 

There is only a risk in a circumcision operation if it is poorly carried out.  If the procedure is done badly there can be postoperative bleeding and sometimes an infection from a homemade circumcision can be fatal.  In fact, the American Medical Association says that bleeding and infection are the most common of the complications associated with the procedure even if you do have it done in a hospital. In most cases the bleeding caused by a cirmcision is stopped within minutes of pressure being applied to the cut.

Symptoms of serious complications due to a circumcision include problems with the lymph glands, ulcers around the tip of the baby's penis, impotence, cysts and loss of the penis due to necrosis.  One side effect that is not evident until your child is much older is pain when the penis is erect. These types of conditions ten to occur when a surgeon or urologist is not the person conducting the operation. 

Thankfully there are simple and common procedures that can help correct this situation if it does happen. This is just precautionary talk and for you interest only.

Not that many baby penises are ever lost to a condition like penile necrosis.  The American Academy of physicians says it is two in a million. A study done in Isreal says it's one in a million.   Circumcision seems to be a very safe procedure in general. The AMA says that complications occur in 2% of cases.  However the American Academy Family of physicians says that as many as 35% of circumcisions cause problems. However the benefits of getting your child circumcised has health benefits that seem to far outweigh the risks. For one thing, the entire pubic are is a cleaner and there is less risk of infection. Men who have circumcisions also don't tend to suffer from yeast infections like uncircumcised men do.   

The World Health Organization published an article in the Library of Science Medicine Journal in July 2006 that stated that men who have been circumcised have a lower risk of contracting and also spreading AIDS. The study then went on to postulate that if all men in the world were circumcised over the next ten years then two million new cases of AIDS could be avoided. Does this mean that we should get our children circumcised to spare millions from suffering?    

However as a woman with daughter, I am thinking that an even bigger plague could be prevented if all men were circumcised.  Many studies have shown that men who are uncircumcised men are at greater risk of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, which is transferred to women. Women then develop warts, which lead to cervical cancer. It is estimated that 94% of women in the United States have already contracted this virus thanks to sex with male carriers.Â