Making Baby Food From Avocados

Avocadoes make fantastic baby food because they are so naturally creamy. As an added bonus they have a very high nutrient content and are full of good fats and omega 6 oils that help your baby develop a healthy brain. Avocadoes contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C , all the B vitamins, Potassium, Magnesium Calcium, Iron and Zinc.

Babies as your as four months old can eat avocado easily. Furthermore they mix really nicely when mashed or pureed with peaches, pears, bananas, applesauce and yogurt. They are also a very filling food that makes a good fresh snack.
When shopping for them look for ones with dark green skin that are firm yet yielding when gently pressed with the fingers. When sliced in half the flesh should be green with a halo of yellow around the pit.

It is very easy to make baby food out of avocadoes. You can just mash raw slices with a fork and its ready. You can also add a bit of lemon or a bit of water to alter the taste or texture. A touch of salt or garlic salt can also turn a very plain tasting puree into one that is quite tasty.
If baby gets bored peel and mash a banana and mash it up with the avocado until you get the texture you desire. Peaches, pumpkin puree also taste fantastic with pumpkin puree. A touch of Cool Whip or whipping cream makes for a tasty, fluffy dessert.

Babies that are beyond eight months old can tolerate Baby Guacamole. You can make this out of 1 ripe avocado, a bit of wheat germ or crushed cheerios and a pinch of garlic powder, pepper and basil. For even more taste interest ad a little bit of plain yogurt and/or cream cheese to the mixture. You can feed this to your baby straight or give him or her crashers or toast to dip into the mixture.

Another savory option is to grind up some chicken or canned tuna with a bit of yogurt or mayonnaise, some parsley and onion and salt and pepper to make a nice smooth salad. It also mixes very nicely with mashed cooked zucchini and yellow squash.

A lovely nutritious dessert for baby is called Avocado Mango Mousse. Simply take 1 cup peeled and cubed mango and 1 ripe avocado and mash with vanilla yogurt, apple and pear juice. Whisk these ingredients together until a creamy mousse like pudding is created.

Orange Foods

If you have a picky kid he or she might want to eat only orange foods. My little girl loves pink foods at the moment but when she was younger she would only eat orange foods. This is not a bad thing because that yellow color means the food has a lot of Vitamin A.
Most kids like oranges. Just one small orange has 116 percent of all the Vitamin C that your kids need to get through the day. If your kid won't eat the orange straight then mellow it out a little by whipping orange pieces into Cool Whip or Whipped cream. Sometimes I can also fool the kid into thinking he or she is drinking Orange Crush by adding a little soda water to make the orange juice bubbly.
Another food that most kids love is cantaloupe but if not you can take ice, milk and frozen cantaloupe chunks and drop them into a blender. Whip it up into a froth and you have one the most amazing tasting and completely nutritious shakes that you could ever serve a growing human.
You can do the same with mangoes. Most kids love eating mangos raw but if not try freezing chunks so that they are like ice cubes and giving them to your kid to suck on. Mangoes are really healthy because they have folic acid and iron in them.
Carrots are good for your kid's eyes. Can't get them to eat the raw stuff? Try julienning them and sprinkling them with salt. If that doesn't work bake them into a carrot cake.
Squash is another nutritious food for kids but not a lot of kids will eat it. This is where Spaghetti Squash comes in hand. This type of squash is stringy and looks like strands of spaghetti. You serve that with their favorite spaghetti sauce on top and they are happy as clams.
Most kids won't eat sweet potatoes or yams if they are just sliced up on a plate. That is your cue to cut them up into French fries, spice them a little with pepper, salt and even a bit of chili pepper and pop them into the oven.
There are lots of orange flavored yogurts on the market. Yoplait makes an orange cream yogurt that kids love and that is full of calcium as well. The trick is that it tastes just like a creamsicle.