Emotional Obstacles for Single Moms

Some newly single moms feel guilty at the very thought of dating. Even though their ex betrayed them, they still feel like they are betraying the 'family' (especially the children) if they move on and try and find another spouse.

You have to find the emotional muscle to drop that baggage from the past or you will never put out the vibe that you are 'unattached' to others with the end result that nobody will be interested.

Yet another unique problem is that sometimes our former spouses are still in our lives and trying to prevent us from seeing new people. In this case you need to find the nerve to set boundaries with your ex and also explain that he or she has no choice in the matter when it comes to you seeing new people.

Keeping your ex on a 'need to know basis' is also a good idea in this scenario.' This means using someone else as a babysitter when you go out.

When it is time to start dating, you can start sharpening your mind again by reading the paper and catching up on current events. Sooner or later, you are going to have to talk to an adult —whether you like it or not!

In order to become this confident, happy and sexy person that others will want to date you first have to check any emotional baggage or chips that you may have on your shoulder at the door. Without the psychological muscle to dispense with these matters you will become a self-fulfilling prophecy, always talking about your ex or projecting bitter experiences and unpleasant qualities onto a newcomer.

It also helps to be diplomatic with your time to make sure everyone that you love is getting an equal shake. This is especially true if you find yourself falling in love with someone you meet while you are dating. You must be careful not to create confusion and insecurity with your kids as they often resent people who they see as stealing or replacing a parent in their lives.

The key is to go slowly. Do not introduce the new person to anyone unless you are really certain that it is going to have long term potential. If you introduce someone who is not going to stick around it creates a lot of tension and emotional problems for your children . Most children of single parents are already suffering from psychological issues of abandonment.

A date that is worth having in your life is one who is going to understand the need for you to ease him or her gently into your family circle.

How Single Moms Sabotage Their Dating Potential

If you are a single and starting to date you might be facing a number of what can only be described as 'pitfalls' while you are trying to date. The good news is that many of these drawbacks can easily be overcome or even turned to your advantage just by changing your attitude and being more organized.

If you are a single parent and you have found yourself suddenly single, you might be delaying the whole thing. However there comes a time when you must abandon your fears and start participating in the sexy dance of life again. Stop wallowing in your isolation, put down the fattening midnight containers of ice cream and start making definitive proactive movements towards finding yourself a date.

A lot of single parents fear rejection, just as people without children do. They also fear rejection because they come 'with baggage.' The thing to do is to accept right now that some people are simply not going to want to be with you exactly because you do have kids and these are the people you need to 'get past' in order to find the person you really should be with.

Some people may delay dating simply because they think it will somehow upset the children. Usually this is more of a fear than a reality. You should never put off what you want to do with your life because of what a child thinks because that means the child is in control of your destiny –not you!

Many single parents have trouble making ends meet and taking care of their kids at the same time. Many work two jobs or go to school and work and simply do not have the time to go online actively looking for dates. If this is the case it is time to start looking like dating like it is a third part-time job and make time for it. Devote yourself to it by giving up something so that you are able to do this and move forward or unfortunately, you could remain single for the rest of your life.

Many single parents also experience financial problems. They feel they cannot afford the clothes, make-up or dinners that often go along with dating. This is where it might be wise to stop waiting for the day when you are rolling in money and accept that you need to find someone who will 1) like the way you look without make-up and 2) settle for a picnic in the park over a dinner in an expensive five star restaurant.

Yet another issue that this affects is whether or not you can hire child care. If you cant afford babysitters in can be hard to schedule dates. In fact hiring family members, such as your ex to look after your kids, is partly how clashes between him or her and someone you are dating are allowed to happen.