DHA Improves Intelligence

You can improve your child's chances of scoring well on an intelligence test by supporting their brain with a proper, nutritious diet. In fact there are certain foods that are known for helping enhance mental abilities and development. Cutting down on foods that are unhealthy for the brain can also help enhance mental performance.
If you take the advice in this chapter then you may find that big changes in your family's diet are called for. However it is worth it when you consider that your child's future is at stake. Also keep in time that your entire family might become a bit sharper if you stick to this diet and that if you have any elderly people in your family that they might actually become a bit sharper by sticking to this diet.
Add DHA to your diet!
The main nutrient that promotes intelligence, memory and clarity of thought is called DHA. It is now well established that this nutrient is not only good for mental development but also for your eyesight. It also reduces your chances of having a stroke or developing heart disease which is excellent in terms of the longevity of the health of your child.
Your body does not produce this substance naturally so you have to get it from foods. This means that your body has to convert vegetable based fatty acids like Flax oil into DHA. The body does not do this easily which is why many people are actually short of this nutrient.
DHA is found in the Omega3 fatty acids that we find in fish and fish oils and it is therefore crucial that your child get enough of these acids so that their mental abilities are optimized. The notion that eating lots of fish is an old wives tale is not a myth at all!
Chances are that your children are not getting enough of this nutrient. The average intake of DHA by three year old children in North America was discovered to only be 19 mg a day. This falls way short of the 300 mg a day that was identified as being needed by a targeted scientific group to improve mental acuity. This is also the level needed to support developing fetes.
The American Food and Drug Administration say that the requirement for DHA is not as high. The suggested dose is about 2 grams of fish oil ever day. Many nutritionists and doctors suggest that this amount should be much higher. Many believe that the optimal dose is 5g a day. You can see how only getting about 19 mg day is nowhere near enough to support mental development and how not consuming enough could definitely hurt a child's learning abilities.
Knowing this the obvious conclusion is that the first thing you can do to enhance your child's academic abilities is to simply review their diet and make sure that they are getting enough DHA to eat.

Omega 3 Fish Oils and Your Child’s Brain

Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements are one of those few supplements that actually has a qualified health claim from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  The F.D.A bestowed this status on Omega 3 oils because eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) omega-3 fatty acids have been proven by research to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

However when it comes to kids you want to use these oils to help your kids do great in school. Lineolic acid, one of the omega-3 long chain fatty acids, may play a role in helping this supplement improve mental functions.

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential nutrient that cannot be manufactured by the body and therefore must be obtained from supplements or food sources. As most omega-3 fatty acids have only been found in fish it makes more sense to take these acids in the form of supplements than ever. This is because fish nowadays contains excessive amounts of mercury and other toxins which I think could be a little toxic for kids.  Mercury can cause brain damage in children.  As a result I try to supplement their diets from other sources of omega oils.

Since 2000, the American Heart Association's dietary guidelines have recommended that healthy adults and children eat at least two servings of fish per week so that they can enjoy the cardiovascular benefits of ingest natural sources of omega 3's.

The main natural sources of the supplement are mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon.  These fish are special contain two omega-3 fatty acids –   eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids (EPA and DHA).

A third kind of omega 3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid, is less potent. It comes from soybeans, canola, walnut and flaxseed and oils made from those beans, nuts and seeds.

Omega 3 supplements are manufactured everywhere in the world where there are these types of fish and they are easy to find in drug stores or health stores.   In North America these oils are often made from salmon.   Wild salmon is said to have less mercury so look for that on the label.

Another study regarding fish oil was published in the journal Nutrition in April 2007. Sixty-four healthy Danish infants received either cow’s milk or infant formula supplemented with fish oil from nine to twelve months of age. It was found that those infants supplemented with fish oil had superior immune systems.