Keeping Your Skin Super Healthy!

Keeping Your Skin Beautiful
If you are a busy mom you want your skin to look beautiful but natural. Here is the four step regimen you should follow to have beautiful skin.

The basic four step skin care program goes like this:

1 – Cleansing. The secret when you are cleansing your skin is to be gentle and to use mild cleaning ingredients. If possible, you should avoid using soap (even herbal versions) as soap dries your skin which is why many beauty experts recommend that you should never use soap on your face.

Instead, use a cleanser that is suited to your skin type. For example, you might use a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin or a drier cleanser if your problem is overly oily skin.

One thing that you should avoid is the temptation to clean your skin too regularly. Doing so may in fact make your skin problems worse rather than better, so it is not something that you should be doing.

You should avoid any cleanser that contains strong astringents or alcohol as these will strip away most of the protective oils that your skin needs as well.
For most people, all that is needed is to wash your face at night before retiring and of course, women should remove all traces of cosmetics too.

Wash with warm water – not too hot or too cold as both can damage the capillaries just beneath the skin – and then splash warm water on your face in the morning.

Just splashing your face before dabbing your skin dry is a great way of removing excess oils (either natural or caused by your nightly moisturizer) and this should be all you need to do in the morning.

2 – Exfoliate. This is a crucial step in any properly effective skincare regime and yet it is the step that most women tend to ignore.

There are many ways of exfoliating your skin ranging from specialist dermatological treatment to completely natural exfoliants, with many very expensive branded products in between. We will of course focus on natural exfoliants when we look at specific natural skin care solutions.

3 – Moisturize. No matter what your skin type, skincare experts and dermatologists recommend that you should moisturize your skin regularly, doing so before going to bed being the most popularly recommended option.

When moisturizing at night, you should focus on making sure that the skin around your eyes is properly moisturized. The lack of fatty tissue in this particular area of your face makes this area of skin prone to wrinkles, hence applying moisturizer helps to ‘plump up' the skin and thereby reduce the tendency to wrinkling.

Lastly don't forget the sunscreen. Most of the damage that your skin suffers over the years will be caused by exposure to the sun. Furthermore, this is something that starts happening at a very young age (even though you don't notice it) and even on cloudy and overcast days.

Does Your Son Have Man Boobs?

Do you have a teenage son with man boobs? It's amazing how hormones can wreck your kid's self-esteem.
This is condition is incredibly distressing for a young man. There is a ton of information on the internet about this information and some of it is quite bogus. For instance when I started looking for how to fix this I kept seeing all these humiliating ads about herbs for mambos. Just so you guys and moms out there know –there is not a single herb or supplement that you can take that will help you lose this excess breast tissue!
The fastest way to get rid of this problem is to just go to the doctor and him why your son might these inappropriate feminine characteristics in the first place. Most of the time the problem is caused by some kind of hormone imbalance. Usually there is too much testosterone being produced and this in turn produces a compensating amount of estrogen to be produced as well. The doctor may prescribe hormones to try and help reduce the tissue that is growing in the chest area. Teenage boys are most certainly the most vulnerable to all of this.
However as you may have guessed taking hormones may not be the quickest way to get rid of growing man breasts. The human body needs time to heal. The very quickest way to lose man breasts probably is to get prescribed hormones but they won't produce a miracle. No amount of wishful thinking by buying into bogus solutions is going to do it either. Basically you can conclude that when it comes to how to lose man breasts fast there is no quick way to do it.
Doctors say that aerobic exercise can . It is the fastest way to increase the metabolism and work off any calorie excesses that might be causing eextra chest fat on ythe r rib cage.
Your doctor may recommend certain medications or hormone injections to try and encourage the breasts to disappear alone. However the main treatment for male boobs is to get on a diet that encourages physical fitness and to lose weight through working out.
You should also not expect there to be miracles overnight. It means getting your kid up off the couch. It is important that you work let him work out at his own pace and be patient. Working out too much may even make the problem worse by stimulating unnecessary hormonal activity. Be practical and persistent and the weight will come right off and with it the excess chest fat.