The Benefits of Juicing Carrots

As a mom who does not always cook for their kids like I should I get concerned my kids get enough of the vitamins that they need. They say “eating a carrot every day is like signing a life insurance policy” and that is because they are so healthy for you. When you drink carrot juice every day it is not only like taking a huge preventative measure to prevent any illness from happening in the future it can also cure some diseased conditions you have, or at least alleviate their symptoms. Drinking carrot juice has also been able reverse chronic conditions (like night blindness) and is known for making people look more youthful in general.

The high nutritional content of carrot expediently rushing into your bloodstream to feed your cells can give you an immediate burst of energy. n. It is a natural “upper” that encourages you to be bright, vital and active.

Carrot juice is tasty and combines nicely with a number of other nutritious fruits and vegetables such as juices such as apples, celery, spinach, tomatoes, basil, pineapples, mango, papaya and many others. It is the ultimate “foundation juice” to which other juices can be added.

All carrots are beneficial for your health however there can be some subtle differences in nutrition between varieties. For instance a dark purple heirloom carrot can contain the same powerful antioxidants as blueberries. A white carrot may have much less beta-carotene in it then an orange one but it may have more potassium.

It is also to your benefit to buy organic carrots as they will contain fewer pesticides than other types. Be sure to choose fruits that are firm and not too pitted or limp. Dehydrated, old looking vegetables might still have some nutrition in them but they will not really yield much juice.

Before you juice a carrot be sure to clean it well…You can buy special fruit and vegetable soap that helps get this residue off your fruit as well. Just remember to scrub them well before you cut them up and juice them.

Choose a quality brand of juicer that does not jump across the counter when fed carrot chunks. The best way to juice them is to cut them into finger length chunks and then use the hopper to push them through the hopper.

If you find tepid carrot juice unappetizing you can always serve it over ice. Another tip is to put it in the juice freezer or even blend the resulting juice with some ice. If you want the fresh carrot juice to taste a little bit spicier you can add a touch of curry powder, pepper and sea salt.

Bogus Yeast Infection Cures

You are especially prone to getting yeast infections after you have a pregnancy so I thought it would be worthwhile to write about it for a change.
First of all you need to know that the advice you get on the internet after typing in a search such as 'home remedy – yeast infection' is not always the right advice.
I typed these keywords 'home remedy – yeast infection' into Google and the very first thing that popped up was one of the most dangerous cures for this condition that exists – using BORIC ACID.
Boric acid is a poison that does not belong in your home. Yet you can find home remedies that advise inserting this in your vagina.
Yet another cure I kept seeing was to go on these intolerably long fasts that involved drinking only water and lemon or certain types of juices. As someone who is a little bit familiar with the way the human body works (because I am a medical researcher) I cannot begin to tell you how unhealthy these food deprivation diets are.
The principle behind starving yourself every day is to try and not feed the yeast cells in your body but the problem is that you end up starving YOU as well. Some of these 'yeast elimination' diets have calorie intake rates on them that are so low that NO human being could stick to them for more than a day or two.
By now you can probably tell that I am speaking from very hard won experience.
Of course as I was once a chronic sufferer of these terrible infections you can imagine that I was all over the internet always looking for an alternative to the antibiotics that were causing me to be trapped in a treadmill of antibiotic use and recurrent pain.
In fact, you could say I was just like you.
Now being a medical researcher I knew that doing things like inserting boric acid in your vagina or starving yourself and surviving on only liquids to 'rinse' yeast out of your body was very bad for you. However I could not help but think of all of those women out there who do not know this was bad for you and how much they must be suffering as a result.
Also did you know that going on a juicing fast is also a terrible idea? This is because juices contain sugars that can feed yeast colonies the same way that sugar can.
I guess what I am trying to say here is that you have to be very careful when it comes to seeking out alternative or natural cures as they might not be so good for your yeast infection either.
I can't stress this enough. In order to get rid of yeast infections you need to wipe out the root cause for good.