Slipcovers are Indispensable

If you have kids, having slipcovers for your furniture is practically mandatory.  There is no easier way to protect your fine furniture until they have all grown up and gone away to University.  

The four biggest trends in slipcovers have to do with color. Solid darker colors are huge.   Perhaps most surprising new color schemes are purple and you can find slipcovers in every fabric from light lavender to a rich royal hue.

A not so surprising trend is desaturated colors that are reminiscent of the 70s and 80s.  You are also more likely to find slipcovers in a bright neon color such as Happy Face Yellow or Bubblegum.   Leopard prints are also still around to suit the sexy minded. Some of the patterns that are out are also kind of wild.  Zebra stripes, big floating bubbles and strange geometric patterns from the seventies are very hip and in.  So are stripes and patterns that look like sixties psychedelic.  You can also just get slipcovers that cheer your children up in general that have pictures of cartoon characters on them or child like themes such as lollipops or goldfish. 

If you like a more formal and adult look and just want to protect your furnitre the one trend in slipcovers that is a hangover from last year is towards the naturals such as taupe, cream and brown.  A good example of a store that is sticking to this trend is the Pottery Barn, which sells classic styles of all types of slipcovers in twill. Target also sells twill and cotton slipcovers in these basic colors. This year slipcovers have also gone from looking less like a cotton drop sheet to fabrics such as tapestry and chenille. 

Chenille looks great in more old-fashioned decors.  They are also good for kids who are little as the softness of the chenille is very easy on their soft skin.  A chenille bedspread makes a great nubbly soft surface for afternoon naps. 

Another trend is for slipcovers to be less fitted than they were in previous years so that they can different styles of sofas. If you think that your contemporary sofa can't be fitted with a slipcover then think again.  Search hard because slipcovers with tie ons that are practically one-size fits all are now on the market. If that fails then you can always have them custom made or sew them yourself. 

If you want your slipcovers to perform a dual function some big designers such as Martha Stewart and Ikea are selling reversible versions so that you can change the look of your furniture from season to season.  Usually these are sold in a two solid color version or with a solid color on one side and a print on the other. This is a great development because you never get bored with your furniture.  These reversible slipcovers for furniture are also quite great because if your kid spills something on them all you have to do is flip it over and voila your furniture is clean again! 

Here is a good store to buy slip covers

Good Feng Shui For Children

Lately I have really been into Feng Shui. I decided to study up on how this ancient art of object arrangement can affect your children. 

Creativity and children live together in the same part of your home (according to feng shui) because they share the same energies. This is an area that you will enhance to ensure yourself of many descendants as well as make sure that you will always take time out to “smell the flowers” and enjoy life’s recreational pursuits. To enhance this area you should make sure that you have lots of  metal picture frames that are used to feature photographs of your children. If your Creativity and Children sector is in your kitchen then make a point of displaying metal molds and utensils on your wall.  A display of metal cookie cutters shaped like animals is a nice touch. 

The color white equals the element of metal in feng shui. To enhance this area paint it white.  If this area is in your bathroom, augment it with white fixtures and white towels.  White dishes in the kitchen can help accomplish the same purpose. Look for furniture and everyday accessories that are round in shape such as throw rugs, coffee tables and stools.

Moving objects such as a round metal clock or a rotating fountain can also augment the energy in this sector.  If you do install an aquarium or fountain make sure it is shiny and new looking and that the water is always kept clean. Hoy is closely related to creativity and also the spirit of playing children.

The western sector or western wall of your home is the best place to put any kind of entertainment unit, the television, displays of art as well as store games, stuffed animals dolls and any kind of juvenilia. It is also the best area to store or feature items that are related to hobbies or crafts such as painting easels and sewing machines. S

ymbols of Fire and Real Fire are not favorable to children in Feng Shui. As the Eastern sectors of your house are isruled by the metal element this is not the place to put candles, a fireplace or a stove. This is because according to the Cycle of Destruction, fire destroys metal (and thus your creativity and fertility.) If you do find that your hearth or stove is placed against the Western Wall of your home then you can remedy the situation by placing a mirror above the mantelpiece or near the stove. Mirrors symbolize water in feng shui so the metaphor would be “putting out fire with the water.”  

Lately too I have been toying with many of the new room sprays that are on the market. Orange scents are supposed to enhance creativity and joy, especially when combined with vanilla.  Spraying your child's room with lavender can also help enhance peace. Lavender is also an age old remedy for getting your child to go to sleep.