Baby Names That Imply Your Baby is The Best

Even if your baby is not an intellectual there are some name out there that can make him or her sound like one. First off you could consider naming your child after some of the smartest people in the world. There is Noam (after Noam Chomsky), Umberto (after Umberto Eco), Vaclav (after Vaclav Havel), Jared (after Jared Diamond), Salman (after Salman Rushdie), Bjorn (after Bjorn Lomborg)

For the girls you can try Naomi (after Naomi Klien), Joan (after Joan Didion), Ivanka (after Ivanka Trump and Camille (after Camille Paglia.)

The literature of the U.S. South is also a great source of names and so is their authors. Try Scout or Atticus from 'To Kill a Mockingbird. For a bit of Southern elan name your child Truman, Eudora, Flannery or Carson.

You can also name your baby girl after famous female achievers in business and politics. The names Condoleeza, Oprah, Gayle, Sarah and Hilary are appropriate. For boys there are names such as Edgar, Johnson, Kennedy, Robert, Reagan, George, Washington, Franklin, Luther, Martin and Napoleon.

If you want your baby to have a traditional name that has a bit of an academic reference yet is also somewhat poetic then look no further than the works of Shakespeare. Portia, Ariel, Viola, Ophelia and Katherine are Shakespearean names for girls and Mercutio, Brutus, Horatio and Claudius are great Shakespearian names for boys.
Sticking to great names from English literature can also be beautiful, yet smart sounding. Examples are Robert, Langston, Ulysses, Quentin, Dante, Barrett, Ezra, Langston, Stewart and Mary, Shelly, Elizabeth, Jane, Charlotte and Sylvia.

One tip for making your baby sound smarter is to add a son to the end of the name as in Jackson Pollock, or Anderson Cooper. You could also name your child after a real genius. You could name your boy Akrit after Akrit Jswal who is a 7 year old surgeon or Saul or Aaron after Saul Aaron Kripke who is one of the youngest geniuses at Harvard. There is also Fabiano after the chess genius Fabiano Luigi Caruanna.

You can also try naming your baby after famous intellectuals in literature. There is Holden, after the main character in Catcher-in-The Rye. The pop-culture version might be Blaine from the B-movie starring Molly Ringwald called Pretty-in-Pink.

Then there is the sitcom approach as well. The sitcom Frasier is a rich source of these names because there are a lot of uppity 'eggheads' on the show including Lilith, Meredith, Frasier and Niles.

Respect In Family Relationships

If you want to raise a kid that has excellent character then teach him or her to be respectful. You must not tolerate disrespectful behaviors like demeaning, yelling and emotional blackmail. Respecting each other’s feelings does well for the parent-child relationship.

You need to teach your kid to honor the individual worth a dignity of other human beings. All human beings have value. People are not to be used or manipulated for the power to get ahead.

Par to f respect is treating others with courtesy. Basic politeness promotes positive human relationships. They should accept the differences between individuals and judge people on their character and ability and not appearances or on how much money they have.

One of the worst things you can do is show signs of disrespect like defensive body language or a refusal to listen. Interrupting and using a nasty or sarcastic tone of voice should be discouraged in yourself and your kids. Never imitate your kid’s voice or belittle them for asking a simple question. Never ever make fun of a child’s appearance.

Kids have feelings and you can avoid a lot of trouble by letting your kid know that he or she is hard.

Self-respect is also an issue. Respecting yourself is about respecting others. When it comes to being a parent you need to respect the autonomy of other and be respectful of your child’s autonomy. This means to see the child separately from yourself. Allow him or her to make his or her own decisions.

To enforce these basic rules of respect it is important to point out to a teen or a child when he or she actually is disrespectful. Explain it but do not chastise the child too hard for it.

Learn how to agree to disagree. You can disagree with someone without demeaning them. Let your child know that differences of opinion are sometimes to be cherished; they make us all unique.

Furthermore, you have to set a good example. How you act as a parent means even more than you say. Walk your talk. Listen to your kid without criticizing and use positive language. Respect your teen’s possessions and their right to make their own decisions.

Parents should respect their teen’s privacy, unless you have cause for real concern. It is okay to check their child’s cell phone, computer or room if they think their teen is in danger or is involved in immoral, illegal or dangerous things.