Omega 3 Fish Oils and Your Child’s Brain

Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements are one of those few supplements that actually has a qualified health claim from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  The F.D.A bestowed this status on Omega 3 oils because eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) omega-3 fatty acids have been proven by research to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

However when it comes to kids you want to use these oils to help your kids do great in school. Lineolic acid, one of the omega-3 long chain fatty acids, may play a role in helping this supplement improve mental functions.

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential nutrient that cannot be manufactured by the body and therefore must be obtained from supplements or food sources. As most omega-3 fatty acids have only been found in fish it makes more sense to take these acids in the form of supplements than ever. This is because fish nowadays contains excessive amounts of mercury and other toxins which I think could be a little toxic for kids.  Mercury can cause brain damage in children.  As a result I try to supplement their diets from other sources of omega oils.

Since 2000, the American Heart Association's dietary guidelines have recommended that healthy adults and children eat at least two servings of fish per week so that they can enjoy the cardiovascular benefits of ingest natural sources of omega 3's.

The main natural sources of the supplement are mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon.  These fish are special contain two omega-3 fatty acids –   eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids (EPA and DHA).

A third kind of omega 3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid, is less potent. It comes from soybeans, canola, walnut and flaxseed and oils made from those beans, nuts and seeds.

Omega 3 supplements are manufactured everywhere in the world where there are these types of fish and they are easy to find in drug stores or health stores.   In North America these oils are often made from salmon.   Wild salmon is said to have less mercury so look for that on the label.

Another study regarding fish oil was published in the journal Nutrition in April 2007. Sixty-four healthy Danish infants received either cow’s milk or infant formula supplemented with fish oil from nine to twelve months of age. It was found that those infants supplemented with fish oil had superior immune systems.

Does Your Nanny Object to the Nanny Cam?

You might have found the perfect nanny or live in couple s and then gone ahead and hired the individual or pair of caretakers that you want to take care of your kids Of course installing that nanny camera (as mentioned in the previous blog) is probably something that you might want to do. You can watch your kids from any laptop – even at work. This gives you a great sense of security and peace.

A lot of people who hire nannies or any kind of live in help just write it into their contract.  You need to specify the locations or you could get into legal trouble. However not all nannies or people who respond to your live in couple jobs are happy with the idea of being spied on.

So what do you do if you find the perfect couple or live in nanny and there is an objection to the nanny cam that you were thinking of using? You could even lose the perfect nanny because of this.  It is time to explain why you would want such a device in the first place and the reason is not negative.

Your first question should be 'Why?'  Ask the nanny directly what she is afraid that you will see. It may be a very simple reason such as just feeling very self-conscious or on edge at being watched all the time or has a genine need for privacy. Let's face it. Nobody likes being watched.

Another reason that your help may object to the cameras is that they might make her feel like you don't trust her. Not many people want to work for someone who has no faith in them.

At this point it might be good to explain that it is not so much about not trusting her but because you miss them during the day. This is a particularly effective argument if you are away for long periods of time and your children are quite young. It is completely understandable that you would want a cam if your nanny is looking after an infant. 

Yet another justification for the nanny cam is quite simply that having a video. I taped  record of everything simply prevents any misunderstandings. Explain to the nanny that it is protective of her as well. Many nannies will simply accept these reasons for having the cam and agree to let you have one.

If the nanny really protests and you cannot make arrangements to have her under surveillance you may have to move onto the next person to be hired or opt to not inform candidates that they will be under surveillance in the first place.