Bogus Excess Sweating Cures

If you are a mom like me you sweat a lot. I am also sweating because I am an older mommy who is entering perimenopause in her thirties. I also have a teenage son who has quite a sweating problem. He smells and his tennis shoes are genuinely slimy. We have to leave them outdoors to air out.

Desperate for a cure I researched 'how to stop sweating' on the internet. Of course I ordered a bunch of things. I can't' tell you the number of times I ordered a sweating cure only to find out that it was a total scam. I decided to stop 'sweating the sweating cure' and look for more natural cures for this common hygiene problem.

Some of these 'how to stop sweating '' products are downright unhealthy for you and do things like clog your pores or make your underarms itch and smell. Some of these how to stop sweating cures are also very expensive and chances are that if you have not heard of them before that they are not very good at all.

The bottom line is that if you are curious about how to stop sweating you should really get checked out by your doctor. There could be a medical reason for your excessive underarm perspiration and the sweating cure could involve medical intervention. The condition of excessive sweating is actually medically referred to as axillary hyperhidrosis.

Most people feel compelled to look for how to stop sweating information when they notice that their complexion is always shiny or their hands are always slick with sweat. Another tell-tale sign of excessive sweating is large perspiration stains under the arms. The expense of dry cleaning and ruined clothes is usually what compels most people to research how to stop sweating. For me it was just sheer disgust.

If you are curious about how stop sweating so much many naturopaths recommend wearing looser clothes that are made of cotton or silk. Dieticians would advise you on how to stop sweating by recommending that you cut down on caffeine, alcohol and hot and spicy foods. These are not sweating cures but they can help lessen the severity of the symptoms.
In general you should use some common sense when researching the topic of how to stop sweating. This is because there is no magic cure for this problem. However excessive sweating can be managed naturally and without toxic chemicals.

The Consequences of a Low IQ Score

Those IQ scoring systems really are my pet peeve this week. I have done more research into the matter and I am absolutely horrified at what the consequences could be for my son.
I am worried because my son has not done too well on one and I can already see the guidance counsellors at school trying to peg him into being something that he is not – mainly a labourer like a construction worker.
Your kid's IQ can translate down the line into affecting everything from whether or not he will be eligible for scholarships, a good job and opportunities to meet and work with stimulating people.
Economically and socially your kid can suffer from the following consequences if he or she scores low on an IQ test –
The Consequences of a Low IQ Score
• Low self esteem
• Lack of motivation
• Lack of ambition
• Lack of creative stimulation
• Hanging with a 'bad crowd'
• Shame
• Being placed in classes with children less bright
• Being profiled as stupid
• A lack of educational opportunity
• A lack of social opportunity
• A lack of job prospects
• Being streamlined into an unsuitable blue collar occupation
• The inability to follow one's dreams
• Being denied the chance to go to university
• Being looked down on by others
• Being rejected romantically because of a lack of education or low IQ
• Being in a low income bracket
• Being charged more for credit for not having a good job
• Being charged more for insurance for not having a good job
• Having less job security
• Having less respect in society in general
I decided to research how a person could raise the IQ of their child for the reasons above but even more importantly…
I am sure that you care just as much for your kid as I do for mine.
I don't mind telling you…
I hate IQ tests.
I do not feel that they are a full measure of any person's ability.
However I also realize that they are a necessary evil in this society that must be dealt with and as archaic and inaccurate as they are and as much as I do not believe in them and hate them I have to help my kid deal with them.
In other words, I had to do everything I could to prevent my kid's future from being at the mercy of the results of this test.