Schools for Indigo Children

It is no secret that those with Indigo children traits have trouble navigating their way through the traditional educational system. This has been a problem since the mid seventies when these children started appearing in droves. A lot of them had their creativity stifled. Many were given medication instead of having their problems understood. Many young lives spun out of control and into addictive behaviors, as is often the case when intuitive are disconnected from the sources of their light and inspiration by society.

The question is – should you keep your indigo kid in a public school? Keep in mind that nowadays things are not as bad for Indigo kids as they were in the seventies and eighties. More teachers are aware that they are around and there is also awareness that these children cannot all be diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. The hyperactivity, creativity and aggression displayed by these kids when their potential is not recognized are being addressed in some public schools with new programs. These children are becoming more of a strain on the regular school system and more alternative schools are starting to exist to deal with these brilliant, angry children. It is also important to note that not all public schools are bad for indigo children. Many exist out there that do have sophisticated ways of dealing with children that do not seem to fit in. Of course these schools are located in richer areas of the world. The Indigo child that is trapped in a ghetto is often a very angry child as these children were born to effect change and the child can see no way out or making the world better as destined.

The most popular method of educating Indigo kids is home schooling. There are many different types of home schooling available but one of the most popular is called Enki Education, which concentrates a multi-cultural and artistic approach to learning. The idea here is to cater to the fact that these kids are more visual than verbal or literary and develop that Indigo trait as a strength that they can use in life.

A similar system is called the Waldorf School. In some communities Waldorf methods can only be home schooled and in others there are entire facilities available that are run by communities of parents who just don't want to see their kids in the traditional public or private school systems.

As indigo kids qualify as advanced learners you might also want to consult AERO which is an acronym for The Alternative Education Resource Organization. This was founded in 1989 by Jerry Mintz who was an educational expert interested in provided parents of gifted children with different modalities and types of education.

AERO provides information, resources and guidance to families, schools and organizations regarding choices. The organization also specializes in topics such as home schooling, public and private alternative schools, and charter schools.

The DNA of Bad Kids

Apparently crime is so bad in Britain that they are now thinking of putting the DNA of kids who are really bad on record. This is the plan according to a story by Mark Townsend and Anushka Asthana in England's The Observer.
The idea is that primary children would be eligible to have their DNA put in the database if they exhibit negative behavior. This is because bad kids sometimes tend to become criminals later in life. Of course not all of them do which is part of the problem of this practice. Many public officials including some at Scotland Yard say a debate is needed to decide how far people should take this program. Some experts believe it is possible to identify future offenders when they are as young as five years old.
Is it wrong to identify those who might become offenders later in society. It may not be wrong if this was a study doen blindly. Otherwise it might just be another form of racial profiling. Also another issue would be who would have access to this information. Could your kid apply for a credit card and then be denied for it because of his or her's potentially criminal DNA? Could a doctor make a lot of trouble for your child and put him or her on anti-psychotic drugs or mood altering drugs because he knows about bad DNA? It's a bit too 'Big Brother is Watching You for Most People.'
One of the organizations supporting this is called Public Policy Research. They have put together a report that suggests that the DNA testing should target certain groups of children such as those who have behavioral disorders like ADD or borderline personality disorders. The age group that would be targeted would be those girls and boys between the ages of ten and thirteen years old as that is the age when most adolescents tends to think of offending for the first time.
Currently the idea is prohibited by logistics and the cost of testing everyone in Britain. To be fair everyone would have to give a DNA sample. Currently there are more than 45 million DNA samples from people who have been arrested on file in Britain. The idea is that if that base of DNA samples is expanded then it will be easier to catch criminals.
There is a lot of outrage about this idea. For instance how would you like the DNA of your troubled kid on file because he or she has ADD and is more likely to offend? Then of course there are the racial implications of all of this. Are the kids of black populations who have higher rates of fetal alcohol syndrome babies, crack babies and autistic children just being penalized with these potential DNA tests. Most people would say that it violates democratic rights and that we are already behaving like characters out of a science fiction film.