Schools for Indigo Children

It is no secret that those with Indigo children traits have trouble navigating their way through the traditional educational system. This has been a problem since the mid seventies when these children started appearing in droves. A lot of them had their creativity stifled. Many were given medication instead of having their problems understood. Many young lives spun out of control and into addictive behaviors, as is often the case when intuitive are disconnected from the sources of their light and inspiration by society.

The question is – should you keep your indigo kid in a public school? Keep in mind that nowadays things are not as bad for Indigo kids as they were in the seventies and eighties. More teachers are aware that they are around and there is also awareness that these children cannot all be diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. The hyperactivity, creativity and aggression displayed by these kids when their potential is not recognized are being addressed in some public schools with new programs. These children are becoming more of a strain on the regular school system and more alternative schools are starting to exist to deal with these brilliant, angry children. It is also important to note that not all public schools are bad for indigo children. Many exist out there that do have sophisticated ways of dealing with children that do not seem to fit in. Of course these schools are located in richer areas of the world. The Indigo child that is trapped in a ghetto is often a very angry child as these children were born to effect change and the child can see no way out or making the world better as destined.

The most popular method of educating Indigo kids is home schooling. There are many different types of home schooling available but one of the most popular is called Enki Education, which concentrates a multi-cultural and artistic approach to learning. The idea here is to cater to the fact that these kids are more visual than verbal or literary and develop that Indigo trait as a strength that they can use in life.

A similar system is called the Waldorf School. In some communities Waldorf methods can only be home schooled and in others there are entire facilities available that are run by communities of parents who just don't want to see their kids in the traditional public or private school systems.

As indigo kids qualify as advanced learners you might also want to consult AERO which is an acronym for The Alternative Education Resource Organization. This was founded in 1989 by Jerry Mintz who was an educational expert interested in provided parents of gifted children with different modalities and types of education.

AERO provides information, resources and guidance to families, schools and organizations regarding choices. The organization also specializes in topics such as home schooling, public and private alternative schools, and charter schools.

Good Books About Indigo Children

The term “Indigo Child” comes from psychic and author Nancy Ann Tappe, who was an aura reader. She is the author of the first indigo children's book, which was published in 1982 and called 'Understanding Your Life Through Color.' She essentially classified people’s personalities according to their auras and was the first to mention the presence of indigo auras among us.

Tappe always claimed that the majority of Indigo children began to appear on earth after 1970 and their numbers are growing every day. She also claims that aside from having the distinctive purple/blue auras these children also have a few physical characteristics including very large clear eyes. She also said they would be known for their long memories and ability to retain a lot of detail. Their purpose on earth here is apparently to build a future bridge from the past so that mankind can eventually prevented from destroying itself.

The 1998 book The Indigo Children later popularized the idea of Indigo children: The New Kids Have Arrived, written by the Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. This husband and wife pair of channelers contact a “master angelic energy” called Kryon. In this book they note that the shift from multi-colored auras to the inky colored auras of the Indigo children are coming.

Doreen Virtue has also written a book about Indigo Children only she has branded them as Crystal Children. The book 'The Crystal Children' was also paired with another best selling paper back called 'The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children.' These books are based on the premise brought up by Tappe, which is that 95% of the souls being born on earth today are these Indigo children.

There have also been some books written about the difficult indigo child character traits such as aggression, rebelliousness and defiance. The book is written by Dianne Lancaster and is called 'Dealing With Indigo Rage.'

There are also many books for Indigo Adults as that is exactly what the indigo kids born in the seventies and eighties have become. They have their own sets of problems because they did not navigate their way through the educational system so well as there are no schools for indigo children. Many of them were seen as disruptive and medicated. Many have personality disorders as a result and are very angry. A good book to read on this subject is 'Anger and the Indigo Child' which discusses ways of coping for both sensitive adult and child Indigos.

Another good book on this subject is by Barbara Cordon and is called 'How to Raise an Indigo Child: 10 Keys For Cultivating a Child's Natural Brilliance.' This book helps you avoid some of the dysfunction that can be part of trying to raise a gifted Indigo individual. The idea is to teach them how to manage their gifts so others will accept them and that they can reach their full potential in society.