Spoiled Brat Kids Teach My Kids Bad Tricks

As a parent I started wondering where my kids sometimes get their sense of entitlement. How did they become so bratty? Then I realized they were getting it from popular culture – the cartoons they watch, the musicians they listen to and the tiny fashion mavens they follow like the Olson Twins.

One of the most obnoxious brats on television, although a funny one is Stewie from Family Guy. He is only one year old and has an ego the size of outerspace and a contempt for his parents that I am sure is emulated by all kinds of kids.

Another arrogant member of the spoiled brat club is Justin Beiber who acts like there is no other reality but it's own. The young man is a narcissist who cares only about his hair and apparently in real life he is pretty cocky. For his sixteenth birthday he got a Ferrari F430.

In real life one of the uppiest of spoiled brats is little Miss Suri Cruise who despite being only five years old wears little gold high heel shoes and carries a gold lame purse that cost $850.000. As spiritual as Tom Cruise is the word humble does not seem to be part of the family vocabulary.

Another young lady who spoiled rotten and has it show is Will Smith's ten year old daughter who dresses head to toe in cheetah and leopard, wears heavy Gucci and Pucci chains, and $700 boots. She dresses like a retired Miami dowager and not like a little girl.

Lourdes Leon, the daughter of Madonna, gets hours of spa pampering weekly including weekly pedicures, manicures and facials. She is also always seen in designer clothing and carrying bottles of expensive vitamin waters and mineral waters. I was wondering why my child thought she was entitled to drink three dollar bottles of vitamin rich waters rather than just having Kool-Aid like everyone else.

The there is Daddy Brad Pitt who recently let his daughters Zahara and Shiloh spend $10,000 on clothing in an hour. They each also got a $250 hair cut and a $15,0000 doll collection. His son Pax wears a $600 World Vision Jacket.

A show that is almost a cult for spoiled girls to follow is My Super Sweet 16. This show on MTV has main characters that lead innocent children to believe that the apex in life is excessive consumerism. The show is riddled is iPads, Gap clothing, Landrovers and other 'the sky's the limit' type presents.

Crazy Celebrity Baby Names

Are you wondering what to name that baby that you have on the way. If so you are probably going to get a kick out of what celebrities are naming their kids lately.

For instance there is a real trend to name your babies after food. Good examples are Apple (Gwyeth Paltrow and Christ Martin's girl), Coco (Courtney Cox and David Arquette's daughter), Peaches oney Blossom (Bob Geldoff and Paula Yate's daughter) and Diva Thin Muffin (Frank and Gail Zappa's daughter.)

It is also trendy to name your kid after spices. Saffron Sahara (the offspring of Simon LeBon and Yasmin Parvena) is a good example as is Thyme (the daughter of Isaia and Jenisa Marie Washington.)
There are also quite a few celebrity children that are named after things that you see at the mall. One of the funniest is Blanket (the child Michael Jackson), Camera (the child of Arthur and Jeanne Ashe), Denim Cole (the son of Toni Braxton) and Satchel (the name of Woody Allen's son and the son of Spike and Tonya Lee.)

There are a couple of celebrities out there that also named their kids after popular brands. Val and Joanne Kilmer named their daughter Mercades. Larry King has a son named Cannon. Kenny and Tami Anderson have a child named Lyric Chanel.

Many celebrities are naming their kids after big cities. Kingston is the son of Gwen Stefani and Brooklyn is the son of David and Victorian Beckham. Bono called his kid Memphis Eve and director Ron Howard called his Bryce Dallace. Ashlee Simpson's kid is named Bronx Mowgli and Joey Lawrence has a daughter named Charlston. Kurt Russell's child is named Boston and Michael Jackson's second daughter is called Paris! Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger went one step better and named their daughter after a country –Ireland!

There are also a lot of nature's kids out there including Ocean (the child of Forest Whitaker) and Snow (the daughter of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston.) Vanilla Ice called his kids Dusti Rain and Keelee Breeze.

When in doubt you can also quit simply name your kid after a color. Cher and Greg Allman were well known for naming their kid Elijah Blue. Ella Blue is the kid of John Travolta and Nico Blue is the child of Lisa Sinha. Bluebell Madonna is the name of Geri Halliwell's girl and Fuschia is the name of Sting's daughter. Ione Skye called her girl Goldie Priya.