Getting A Baby to Suckle

Getting A Baby to Suckle
A newborn that seems to be fussing and unable to enjoy eating may have troubles or issues around food later in life. The baby could become a picky eater or simply have bad associations with eating and end up being underweight.

It is essential that your baby “latch” on to the breast and learn how to suckle as part of a routine that teaches him or her to have a positive attitude towards food.

The basis of breastfeeding is getting the baby to latch on well. A baby who latches on well gets milk well. A baby who latches on poorly has more difficulty getting milk and therefore will be hungrier and gain less weight.

A baby that feels secure and comfortable in your arms has a better chance of getting optimum nutrition from breast feeding.

Try rocking the baby in your arms or sitting in a rocking chair. Support your back and arms with a pillow or necessary so that both of you feel stable and are not shifting around.

There are quite a few other ways you can convince your baby to suckle even if he or she is reluctant:
• Give your baby lots of attention and skin-to-skin contact
• Nurse without a bra
• Nurse the baby when he or she is sleepy. You will be more successful if you feed while he or she is drifting off or just starting to wake up
• Minimize distractions by nursing in a dark quiet room

Studies have also shown that having the two of you in the same room at night can also create a bond that makes feeding at the breast more relaxing and positive for the child.

If you are having trouble getting your baby to latch on you can also get a consultation with a lactation expert. Do not be afraid to get this advice. Most maternity and neo-natal care departments have a lactation expert on staff to specifically help women who have issues with breastfeeding.

And remember — If you are feeding your baby with a bottle be sure that all water you prepare formulas with is absolutely sterile. Giving your baby bad water can be fatal.

Do not try to force your baby to eat according to your schedule. It is simply not going to happen! For a healthy baby be sure to feed him or her when hungry. Feed your baby on demand!

New Born Tips For Moms

Are you just welcoming a new little person into the world? Here are some tips to taking great care of this fragile little human at first.

TIP #1 – If your baby is not properly latching on your nipple to suckle then there is no point in wasting any time. Take yourself and the child immediately to a lactation consultant. These are staff members in hospitals who can show you how to get the baby to latch onto your nipple properly. Don't wait for the baby to 'get it' as the baby can become fatigued; lose weight and even face life-threatening conditions if you do not get him or her latched on immediately.

TIP #2 – While nursing most mothers find it most comfortable to put pillows behind the small of her back and behind her shoulders if she is sitting. If she is sitting up in bed it helps to put pillows under your knees and one in your lap (to help bring the baby up to the level of your chest.

TIP #3 – To raise a happy baby consider carrying him with you in a sling and carrying him or her with you wherever you go. Studies have shown that babies who are constantly carried are less fussy

TIP#4 – To keep your baby happy while you are during other things like preparing dinner or cleaning the house put him or her in a swing. Some newer swings even oscillate in a circular motion rather than the traditional back and forth motion. It’s best to borrow a swing or try one out on your baby at the store to avoid investing in something that your baby

TIP #5 – If your baby seems really fussy or anxious then try touching him or her more. Try gently massaging all parts of your infant's body including the toes, fingers, bellies and ears. This can help relax and soothe the child.

TIP #6 – If you are dealing with a really distressed or panicky newborn then try nursing him or her while sitting in the bathtub. Place the baby in direct contact with your naked skin as you lie in a warm bath and nurse him or her. This is sure to calm down even the most hysterical of screaming infants.

TIP #7 – No matter how irritating it is to you recognizing that your baby's crying is an attempt to communicate to you. It is never an attempt to torture you or to be bad. Whatever you do you should never let a baby 'cry it out' as that is psychologically damaging to the child. Never punish a child or treat it harshly for crying.

TIP #8 – This tip is for new Mom's who often feel burnt out. It is very invigorating for both you and the baby to take a walk every now and then to get some air and also relieve feelings of depression or anxiety. Studies have shown that walking briskly every day for a minimum of forty-five minutes can help alleviate the symptoms of post partum depression.