Tips on Buying Bottled Water

There has been some controversy lately about buying bottled water because of plastic leeching from the bottles into the water.. First off not all bottled water can be considered to fine or premium bottle waters.

Still you and your kids have to drink water. If. Not drinking enough water often causes the feelings of illness that many people experience when they are first beginning a diet or exercise program. These symptoms can include dry itchy skin, headaches, stress, mental fogginess, weakness, sleepiness, bloating and constipation

Here are some tips on buying bottled water that is of a healthy and of a high quality because the last thing we want to do is lower the life quality for our children any more than we already have.

The first tip is 'don't believe the pictures that you see on bottled waters'. One of the biggest scams going when it comes to bottled water is for the manufacturer to package it with pictures of mountains or clear flowing crystal springs on the labels. You would think from looking at the labels on these waters that you are buying a product that is packaged right at the source. Nothing could be further than the truth. There are several very big manufacturers of bottled water that are simply reselling tap water from the Great Lakes and other sources are not that pure. In essence, what you are buying, despite that picture of the Majestic Mountain or big iceberg on the label, is simply tap water made from municipal sources.

The second tip is to never buy a bottle that has been scratched. You can often see a scratch in a bottle if you hold it up to the light. If you see a scratch it means that the product may be contaminated with chemicals from the glass or plastic leaching into the water. This is because plastic is made from layers and not all of the plastic used to manufacture a plastic bottle is that hard.

The third tip is to never buy a plastic bottle of water that a bit warped or looks like it is melted a bit. This can mean that the bottle melted a bit from heat exposure. When plastic bottles are heated up the chemicals in the plastic can leach into the water as well. This is also why you should avoid drinking bottled water that you know has been sitting in the back of a hot car trunk or in direct sunlight. It is possible that the ultraviolet rays from the sun have degraded the plastic and caused the beverage to become toxic.

The fourth tip is to always check the cap on any bottled water that you buy. If it is loose, open or appears tampered with in any way due not consume the water's content. Anything can happen in this day and age. The water could be tampered with or contaminated with bacteria. If the bottled water container appears fat or swollen this is definitely a sign that the water has gone off or is contaminated with bacteria so don't drink it!

New Born Tips For Moms

Are you just welcoming a new little person into the world? Here are some tips to taking great care of this fragile little human at first.

TIP #1 – If your baby is not properly latching on your nipple to suckle then there is no point in wasting any time. Take yourself and the child immediately to a lactation consultant. These are staff members in hospitals who can show you how to get the baby to latch onto your nipple properly. Don't wait for the baby to 'get it' as the baby can become fatigued; lose weight and even face life-threatening conditions if you do not get him or her latched on immediately.

TIP #2 – While nursing most mothers find it most comfortable to put pillows behind the small of her back and behind her shoulders if she is sitting. If she is sitting up in bed it helps to put pillows under your knees and one in your lap (to help bring the baby up to the level of your chest.

TIP #3 – To raise a happy baby consider carrying him with you in a sling and carrying him or her with you wherever you go. Studies have shown that babies who are constantly carried are less fussy

TIP#4 – To keep your baby happy while you are during other things like preparing dinner or cleaning the house put him or her in a swing. Some newer swings even oscillate in a circular motion rather than the traditional back and forth motion. It’s best to borrow a swing or try one out on your baby at the store to avoid investing in something that your baby

TIP #5 – If your baby seems really fussy or anxious then try touching him or her more. Try gently massaging all parts of your infant's body including the toes, fingers, bellies and ears. This can help relax and soothe the child.

TIP #6 – If you are dealing with a really distressed or panicky newborn then try nursing him or her while sitting in the bathtub. Place the baby in direct contact with your naked skin as you lie in a warm bath and nurse him or her. This is sure to calm down even the most hysterical of screaming infants.

TIP #7 – No matter how irritating it is to you recognizing that your baby's crying is an attempt to communicate to you. It is never an attempt to torture you or to be bad. Whatever you do you should never let a baby 'cry it out' as that is psychologically damaging to the child. Never punish a child or treat it harshly for crying.

TIP #8 – This tip is for new Mom's who often feel burnt out. It is very invigorating for both you and the baby to take a walk every now and then to get some air and also relieve feelings of depression or anxiety. Studies have shown that walking briskly every day for a minimum of forty-five minutes can help alleviate the symptoms of post partum depression.